In Politics-Is "Progressive" the new catchword for Liberal Socialist?

Carmen Avena2009-08-30T09:13:05Z

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Yes, but it is hardly new. The "Progressives" have been trying to pull one over on the rest of us since the 1800's, but historically they have failed every time here in America, because most of us are too intelligent to fall for their controlling BS.

Obama and his administration, plus his czars are dangerously progressive. Some are communists and some want to follow Venezuela's model of restricted speech. Don't be fooled by them.



Political labels are useless these days. The Obama administration is clearly what used to be called Fascist. That's to say Business is privately owned but controlled by the government. Take over of the banks , automobile , credit card companies so far. An attempt at taking over health insurance companies. On the horizon, an attempt at going after 401k's and shutting down talk radio. What else can it be defined as? The left of course will be outraged that I use the F word.


Yes, secular progressives is the new terminology for radical liberals, but us conservatives are well aware of what that means. Liberals are very big on semantics or word manipulation games in an attempt to sell their agenda. God bless.

ATTENTION: Libs Suck That Is All2009-08-30T09:06:48Z

Today's liberals are descendants of the Progressives from the early 1900's. They like to call themselves "Progressives" because it sounds good, even though their ideology is anything but progressive. Rather it's a repeat of failed policies in history.

Infernal Disaster2009-08-30T09:11:03Z

Just another label for the same old tired ideology of Socialism.

Calling themselves Socialists would chase people away, so they take on new labels or regurgitate old ones to hide their intentions.

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