McAfee Security problem?

Every 45 minutes or so my computer & files protection goes down. I hit the fix button and that rectifies it but only briefly. Is anyone else with McAfee security having this problem?


Favorite Answer

Sounds like either the program is not installed correctly or there is an issue. Uninstall it and eliminate download....restart Pc, get a new download from a different site and reinstall it and see if that corrects situation. Otherwise there is malware that has found a weakness in McAfee.


The placing on McAfee firewall could desire to be'enable some' and could desire to have a tick in the container. If when you pass to a internet site and you get a message from McAfee asserting that's blocked...pass to firewall settings and placed a tick in the container "enable All".

Miss Dubstep2009-09-03T12:17:56Z

I have McAfee and I've never an issue like you described before.


Maybe you should download it again, cause it happened to me before.