So who is the idiot now Beck or Jones?

While Beck tends to go overboard at times it would appear that he was close enough to the truth on Green Czar Jones to win this battle. Does any one else find it shameful that a talk show host has to do the vetting for Washington?


Lawgirl I am a pretty intellegent guy with a little more than a high school education. I do know what communism is and I also understand that it is the oppisite of the principles our Constitution is based on. I am less concerned about the Communist Jones than I am about the racist Jones. As for screeming babies, I am the father of 4 and I can put up with their screaming if I must to get them to understand right from wrong.

wider scope2009-09-05T23:42:59Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, it's shameful, but it also serves as a reminder of how important it is to maintain freedom of speech and freedom of the press.


If Beck is lying then who is stepping up to the plate to debunk his truth? I think it's great that Beck is exposing the truth so that it keeps the public aware and it also forces unanswered questions to be brought to light. Beck knows the truth is important for the very existence of America and time is of the essence.


Beck shouldn't have HAD to explain the truth about VJ to the American public. Obama knew the truth before VJ took his position. You can tell a lot about a person by the company he keeps - as well as their enemies.

Don't stop watching VJ though... I have no trust in him or this administration to keep him locked out just because he 'said' he resigned. (He 'said' a LOT of things...)


Beck did nothing but replay Van Jones' own words on the air. It appears that the American people responded to Van Jones the way they should have responded to Obama.


Jones resigned because he figured the nutjobs would scream so loud that it would take away from productivity having the administration constantly defend him.

I'll give you an analogy even you can understand. Pretend you are in a room with screaming 4 year-olds trying to explain why they need to listen, and the speaker decides to give up.

It is not a crime to question 911, nor is it a crime to have been a communist. Van Jones had experience and knowledge regarding green jobs, which was what he was hired for. Maybe if some of you learned what the frick the word communist meant you wouldn't sound so utterly retarded. Sorry of this is harsh, but you people are nuts.

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