The Republican health care plan . . . .?

is the same today as it was for the preceding 8 years. That is, it does not exist. Yet here they are badmouthing ANYTHING Obama proposes. If the Republicans had a plan, and Obama used their plan, they would still trash it because that is politics, and they of course don't want him to get credit for anything? The Republicans are like 1979 Oldsmobile cars. Inefficient, obsolete and sucking lots of gas . . . ?

On the left and proud2009-09-08T08:36:44Z

Favorite Answer

Party of NO and party of no plans no answers


You are correct in saying that we do not have a healthcare plan. Because for now, there isnt an efficient plan. Healthcare is expensive, such is the nature of healthcare. Broken bones, cancer, asthma are expensive, there is no getting around this.

Obama's healthcare plan is not self-sustaining. We have to continually add to our debt to pay for this plan. Our debt is already $10.5 trillion. Borrowing $9 Tril more isnt the answer.

People dont like to hear this, because it's unpleasant news. We live in a country where we believe everyone should have a car, a house, a tv, and now insurance on everything. These things cost money. And unless Im mistaken, Bush's belief that everyone should have a certain kind of home kind of back-fired recently, has it not?

And I guarantee, Obama's belief that everyone should have a certain kind of health care plan will backfire as well, the nature of this belief is irresponsible. We cant afford it. What little good it does temporarily, it will do that much more bad in the long-run.

But most politicians arent economists, they dont care. This is why we have been spending recklessly during Bush's term and will continue that tradition during Obama's. We arent getting the picture.


whilst the completed government is administered by potential of an overpowering democratic majority, you declare the republicans killed their well being care invoice? it is unsuitable on the face of it. The republicans ought to no longer kill the invoice, basically the democrats ought to do this. place the blame on the occasion of incompetence, precise the place it belongs. The republicans have submitted plan after plan and the democrats have refused to even enable them to be provided - Nancy Pelosi politics. issues like torte reform and interstate coverage and increasing the variety of vendors are all considerable factors the republicans have many times reported. Why proceed to recent plans that isn't even get examine? they are going to be extra effective off waiting till there's a extra even distribution of potential and Pelosi is not any longer there. a minimum of they could have a gamble of being heard. Now, let us know how the democratic plan, that could leave as much as twelve million human beings uninsured and could do no longer something in the direction of controlling the severe the charges of scientific care became going to help us? How is mandating coverage going to make well being care extra no longer expensive? enable's hear a number of your vaunted good judgment, shall we hear a number of your motives of ways which will help.


LOL you must not have read the news or watched the news on TV because the Reps have a health care plan but it has NOT been considered at all by the house, the house has decided to write their own bill (3 of them) and have totally decided not to have Reps in on it at all. I do not think either side by the way "reach across the isle"..all this stuff goes both ways, always has.

Smart Kat2009-09-08T08:40:39Z

The Republicans have been trying to get Tort Reform for years. Fear of lawsuits is one of the top sources of waste in the Health Care industry.

They have also tried to allow people to shop for health insurance across state lines.

Now, I agree the Republicans have been less passionate about this subject and I actually appreciate the Dems for lighting the fire under conservatives making them get more serious about finding a REASONABLE way to reform healthcare, but the Democrats programs is just way to big!

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