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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Obama blaming Republicans and not Democrats for his failed Health Care plan ?

Obama doesn't need 1 Republican Vote to pass his Health Care Plan.

Democrats have control over the Congress and Senate.

And the below article shows that Obama never had enough Democrat Votes in the Senate to pass this.

Question: Why do you think Obama can't take responsibility for this ?

A)Sebelius Says Government Insurance Plan Not Essential

“There are not the votes in the Senate for the public option, there never have been,” North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad, one of the lead Democratic negotiators on health care in the Finance Committee, said on “Fox News Sunday.”


Bowing to Republican pressure, President Barack Obama's administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system.



law girl: If Obama's Plans were so great than why didn't he explain any of them to us?

Instead he used an old campaigned stump speech that got him elected.

NOW Americans wanted to know what his REAL Plans are and his OWN Party Wouldn't VOTE for them as they were that BAD for the USA and All Americans.

Update 2:


Ron R : Bingo!

Update 3:


bluechri... : The Republicans had a Plan that was different from the Democrat one that is now ready to bust.

WHY not list what the REPUBLICANS were offering?

22 Answers

  • Mike S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As I've said before he has to blame someone for his failures and he can't blame his own party comrades, not if he wants to get anything else past. So the Republicans are the logical villains as well as the grass roots town hall meeting protesters. He can call the demonstrators what he wants but he can't deny that the polls are running against him on this one. Good luck to you

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama blaming Republicans and not Democrats for his failed Health Care plan ?

    Obama is using an old tactic to demonize the Republicans. The smart people know that they stop the democrats in their tracks.

    Question: Why do you think Obama can't take responsibility for this ?

    He is too immature to take on responsibility for his actions because he received a free pass from everyone in his life.


    Source(s): A is A
  • 1 decade ago

    What Gov. Sebelius stated during her interview and what Pres Obama said during his town hall meetings re-affirmed that the public option will provide competition for the health insurance and keep the cost of health care down.

    Is it hard to figure the numbers in the economic recession we have? Despite the great suffering of the people here in America, the Health Insurance Industry and the energy sector (the likes of Exxon) have managed to increase their profits many times over.

    Who cares how much health care or gasoline cost? The Republicans doesn't care! They just want to be in power and get the lions share of lobbies bacon (yuk, slimy!).

    That is so plain to understand. The greatest impact on the economy of the Family are health care and gasoline. Lowering the cost of these two items is foremost on the people's agenda.

    If the Democrats fail on a meaningful health care reform (the health insurance part is filled with fat), then the Democrats with Obama included will loose credibility. Thus, paving the way for the Republican ascendancy. Don't get me wrong. The Democrat will still get bones thrown by the Health Insurance, PhRMA and AMA lobbies.

    The real issue is to get America on the right track by fixing what is broken through reform and new legislation if needed. The real issue is not who has a loud voice. The media is trumpeting the raucous debate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is a narcissist, he actually thinks that everything that he does is right, and anyone who disagrees with him is an idiot. That is one of the reasons that he pushes bills through. He actually thinks that they say EXACTLY what he asks for and nothing more or less. NARCISSISTIC. Therefore, they must be perfect.

    In this case, he thinks that the republicans are not voting for it for partisan reasons, not because it is a horrible bill that would be very destructive. This is also partially true because it is what a lot of democrats do...put partisan politics ahead of what is right.

    Obama actually thinks that everyone either supports this pathetic bill, or that they are misinformed by republicans. He believes that if you understand the bill, you would be for it. What he fails to understand is that the more people read the bill, the LESS they support it..or him for that matter.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No He is blaming the Lies and smears about Health Care on the many people who tend to vote Republican who actually believe the dis -information being spread by very wealthy Insurance corporations .

    If Republicans had their way years ago Many older and elderly people would have died out in the street because Republicans opposed Social Security.

    It seems to me that the Republican opposition to Health care reform shows a real lack of a Moral compassionate character and It appears that Republicans / Conservatives / Obama hater bigots value Money much more then they do Human Life .

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Blue Dog Democrats are funded by the health care for profit industry. Campaign monies are more important to these people than the welfare of Americans. These Blue Dog Democrats are just republicans posing as Democrats!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he ran the campaign leading the american people in to believng that it was about health care for all...and it isn't .....all it is is just a plan for a government run insurance company to provide health care insurance....not the actual health care itself.....and every republican knows that in order to have a good insurance company you must first have good investments and the government is in the hole , what investments has the government made to provide good coverage?......absolutely nothing

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh the giant Sheep of congress are whimpering because some of their little sheeplets didn't come into the fold like good little lambs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think both parties are hilarious. neither wants to accept responsibility, and insist on blaming the other side. Looks like a schoolyard around here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What do victimcrats ALWAYS do? Why they blame someone else, of course. Political correctness doesn't allow anything to be your fault in the victimcrat party. You blame it on your parents, or the neighbourhood you grew up in, or not getting enough hugs, or whatever they are saying these days.

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