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  • Should Joe Lieberman be kicked out of the Democratic Caucus?

    Joe Lieberman said today on the Senate floor he couldn't support the Public Option because simply he doesn't believe in Government run Insurance, yet he backed Medicare.

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with this statement below?

    McCain wrote, "Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."

    So, McCain wants to run the health insurance like he deregulated the financial institutions. And now the taxpayers are paying for their bill. CEOs walked away from AIG and Bear Stearns walked away with millions!! Do you agree with what McCain wrote?

    Below is the link to the article:

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who would better handle the economy situation ?

    The stock market crash of 1929 was during the Hoover administration. Hoover was a republican who campaigned for a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage. During that time there was no oversight of the stock market. When the stock market began to go under, Hoover said the stock market would take care of itself. We all know what happened.

    FDR was elected and implemented a lot of programs for the people, such as Social Security, the WPA, etc. He also implemented oversight of the financial institutions thus restoring our country. Since the Reagan administration these protections were eliminated one by one. With the final blow cast by the Bush administration. Should we learned from history? Who do you think will be the FDR for this Century? McCain who worked with the republicans to deregulate the financial world making CEOs the winners walking away with millions and sticking the taxpayers with the bill? Trickle down economics. Or that other guy eclipsed in the video below?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Well seems Palin has a minister problem also. What do you think?

    Palin is under fire over African pastor friend who waged witch-hunt against woman he believed caused car crashes.

    But her credibility is once again being questioned after an African pastor she credits with helping her political career was revealed to have waged a witch-hunt against a woman who was said to cause car crashes with her "demonic spells."

    In June, Palin told how a visiting pastor from Kenya had foretold she was destined for greater things.

    She told other members of the Assembly of God church in her home town of Wasilla, Alaska, that Thomas Muthee had laid his hands on her head and prayed over her when they met in 2005.

    I thought witch-hunt was in the 17th Century..what do you think?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is Todd Palin always with the VP?

    Why is Todd Palin always on stage with Sarah Palin whenever she gives a speech? Does he accompany her wherever she goes? Who is with the five children?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What is the Rove connection to the DNC?

    Hillary Clinton did very well in the primaries considering Brazile was used by Rove to ensure the Republicans did not face the one Democrat that could win - Hillary Clinton. A Republican strategist said Hillary was the one candidate the RNC did NOT want to face in the General Election. Read the attached article on how Rove and Brazile worked together to get Obama elected to the US Senate. But this may backfire on Brazille…Obama may lose in the General Election which is what Rove wanted all along. Was Donna Brazile a pawn for Rove? Was Howard Dean sucked into this by Brazile?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Nebraska caucus versus Nebraska vote, why so different?

    Nebraska held their caucus on February 9 with 68 percent for Obama and 32 percent for Clinton. Yet when the people actually voted on May 13, there was only 49 percent for Obama and 47 percent for Clinton. Why the big difference? Do you think caucuses are NOT a true indication of how the people vote or do you think since more information is available on Obama, his electability is in question?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are super delegates being bought? What do you think??

    When Obama "launched his presidential campaign in January [2007], he stopped raising money for his Hopefund,the political action committee he used to raise millions for fellow Democrats in previous campaigns. But in recent months, Obama has handed out more than $180,000 from the nearly dormant PAC to local Democratic groups and candidates in the key early-voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, campaign reports show," John Solomon reported November 26, 2007, in the Washington Post.[

    "Some of the recipients of Hopefund's largess are state and local politicians who have recently endorsed Obama's presidential bid," Solomon reported."Obama's PAC reported giving a $1,000 contribution, for instance, to New Hampshire state Sen. Jacalyn Cilley on July 25, six days before she announced she was endorsing Obama for president.

    "Likewise, state Rep. J. Todd Rutherford, a lawmaker from South Carolina, received a $1,000 contribution from Obama's PAC on Sept. 24,

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What is the DNC doing?

    I was looking at a color-coded map for Hillary and Obama. Without Michigan and Florida it looked like Hillary won more. I was curious so I decided to allot the delegates like the General Election...winner take all! So I listed all the states that Hillary won and I listed all the states that Obama won. I added the total delegate number for all the states that Obama won, that total was 1591. Then I added the total delegate number for all the states that Hillary won which added up to 1810.

    So with this type of calculation, Hillary is ahead of Obama. This does not make sense. Also I saw a poll yesterday that indicated Obama would lose to McCain and Hillary was ahead. What is Howard Dean doing? Your thoughts please.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why would a Republican in Indiana vote for Obama? Your thoughts?

    That would be Mark Maglioa, 48, whose vote for the Illinois senator was purely strategic.

    Maglioa said Obama has been speaking with a "forked tongue" about his history with the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., the longtime leader of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ.

    Wright performed Obama's marriage and baptized his two daughters. One of his sermons inspired the talismanic title of Obama's most recent memoir, "The Audacity of Hope."

    "For 20 years, he was an inspired member of that church, and then the dirty laundry got pulled out on the clothes line," said Magioa, who was unimpressed when Obama broke with Wright last week, following a series of Wright statements about the AIDS virus, U.S. foreign policy and the wisdom of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that Obama denounced as "rants."

    Yet Maglioa voted for Obama.

    Why? Because as a supporter of likely Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, Maglioa aimed to help the Arizona senator by boosting the Democrat he considers the weakest November opponent.

    "Barack Hussein Obama," Maglioa said, using the middle name that Obama does not use professionally. Of Sen. Hillary Clinton, he said with grudging admiration, "I just feel like she won't fold under pressure."

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Regarding Indiana, is it true or possible?

    Tobin on CNN is saying that Lake County in Indiana has not released any votes. This could be a strategy to see how many votes Obama needs to win so they can make them up. Lake County is the second largest in the state. The mayor of Gary IN is an Obama supporter. Anyone from Indiana? What are your thoughts?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have you seen these videos?

    Does Obama seem to be exempting himself and his wife for financial gain...yet pounce on others? Is this why health care is so costly in this country? Tree House Foods CEO higher than Wal-Mart? Not for Profit Hospitals? Is he a politician that will say what he needs to say?

    Your thoughts please?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these videos?

    Michelle Obama. For the first time in her life she is proud of America. Does she seem a bit arrogant? Does she expect support from the Democrats who did NOT support Obama in the Primaries? What are your thoughts on these two videos?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Didn't Obama campaign on not being the typical politician with ties?

    to Lobbyists? Do you think Obama's nose is growing? I knew he was involved as an IL State Senator. Pretty extensive don't you think?



    Members of law firms that lobby in Washington




    Former federal lobbyists


    Manage lobbyists

    $3.5 million

    Minimum the lawyers pledged to raise

    $138 million

    Lobbying fees earned last year by their firms or subsidiaries

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this article on Obama? Will he be unelectable?

    I found an article early this morning that appears to provide more information on Obama's past. I always thought the DNC did not fully vet Obama but I never heard anyone say it until yesterday on Meet the Press. Mary Matlin made the statement that he has not been fully vetted...and we really don't know anything about him.

    I'm not saying I believe any of this, frankly, I am shocked. Please access the link below and read the article. I want to know your thoughts. What do you think of this information? Thanks!!

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Could this be why Obama is so opposed to the Florida vote?

    Do you think Obama is so opposed to the Florida revote because of his work with Rashid Khalidiis? Khalidiis is a harsh critic of Israel, who has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.

    This is yet another fundraiser for Obama questionable ties. Does Obama think he will lose in yet another big state?

    Below is the article:

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did Obama really say this??

    I copied the blog below from a website, did Obama really say this? Was the Kennedy clan deceived?

    Another little blunder from Obama that happened about a year ago. I was not currently blogging then, but if I was it would have been touched on. While in Selma, Alabama last year he talked about how it was because of the March in Selma in 1965 that his parents were able to get together a spawn lil' Obama. How sweet! Except, Obama was born in 1961! Apparently the march in Selma not only helped end racial segregation and bigotry, it's also was the place where the time machine was invented! And in attempt to channel the Kennedy Klan, he praised the Kennedy's for making his fathers arrival in the USA possible during the Kenyan airlift. The Kennedy's funded the second airlift in 1960. Only problem is that daddy Obama came on the first airlift in 1959.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Pretty Impressive List of Supporters...what do you think?

    Open Letter from Former Admirals and Generals Supporting Hillary Clinton

    The challenges facing our nation today are among the most difficult of any time in our history. We are fighting wars on two fronts. Our credibility and leadership in the world have been eroded; our alliances are frayed; our armed forces are under strain.

    As retired flag and general officers, we have devoted our lives to our country. We have hundreds of thousands of men and women on the front lines that have done the same. At this critical time in our nation’s history, our men and women in uniform deserve better than a presidential debate mired in trivia. The stakes are simply too high. As we are poised to choose our next Commander-in-Chief, we should not allow the media to divert attention from the real issues. What matters is who is ready and inspired to lead -- who can be Commander-in -Chief on Day One.

    It is imperative that our new President knows how and when to use force and diplomacy judiciously, to know how to deploy the olive branch and the arrow. The President needs to be ready to act swiftly and decisively in a crisis. And we think our next President must restore our moral authority and leadership around the world with the courage to meet with our adversaries when appropriate, and the wisdom to pursue diplomacy wisely.

    It is especially important to understand the military and diplomatic challenges facing us in Iraq, and to end the Iraq war responsibly and safely. It is also important to rededicate ourselves to winning in Afghanistan, the forgotten front line in our fight against terrorism.

    In these critical areas, it is clear to us that Senator Clinton is the candidate best qualified to be our nation's next Commander-in-Chief.

    We believe that she has real understanding of the military through her diligent service on the Senate Armed Services Committee. She has worked tirelessly to ensure our men and women in uniform are properly trained and equipped to be sent to battle. And she has fought to make certain that they are treated with dignity when they return home. We have personally and closely observed her respect for our armed forces, and she has earned their respect. And ours.

    We hope that as a country, we will now turn our attention to the critical issues that will determine the future of our great nation.

    General Wesley Clark

    General Henry Hugh Shelton

    Admiral William Owens

    Lt. Gen. Joe Ballard

    Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy

    Lt. Gen. Donald Kerrick

    Vice Admiral Joseph A. Sestak, Jr.

    Major General Roger R. Blunt

    Major General George Buskirk, Jr.

    Major General Paul D. Eaton

    Major General Antonio M. Taguba

    Brigadier General Michael Dunn

    Brigadier General Evelyn "Pat" Foote

    Brigadier General Virgil A. Richard

    Brigadier General Jack Yeager

    Brigadier General John M. Watkins, Jr.

    Rear Admiral Roland G. Guilbault

    Rear Admiral Stuart F. Platt

    Rear Admiral David Stone

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama's ties to Tony Rezko...?

    Do you think Obama's ties to Tony Rezko and Iraqi Billionaire Nadhmi Auchi will help or hurt Obama's bid for the Presidency?

    Rezko's relationship with Barack Obama goes back to at least 1990, when Obama's law firm did work relating to a Rezko housing development. Rezko was a key early-money fund raiser in Obama's state Senate campaigns and his failed run at the US Congress. In June 2005, when the mansion was purchased, Rezko was widely known to be under federal investigation. Rezko also is a key fundraiser for Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich.

    The sudden emergence of Auchi into this story indicates Rezko's deals may include a money trail leading back to dead Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Auchi's Saddam links trace back to a failed 1959 assassination attempt on the life of then-Iraqi-prime-minister Abdul Karim Qasim.

    Below are links to a couple of articles that provide additional information:

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama's ties to Maytag and his NAFTA rhetoric. Perhaps a pattern?

    What is this? The Maytag Plant in Illinois that closed is a big contributor to Obama, now the Union is supporting Hillary? Obama's back peddling on his tough NAFTA talk in Ohio?

    I find it interesting that Obama seldom mentions what he will do to get jobs in the US. Could it be as long as the companies fund his campaign he will not do anything for the people? And what about Obama' double talk to the people in Ohio? Only after Canada CONFIRMED that Obama's campaign talked to them did he admit it. I think Obama has a problem with honest and helping people in this country. Is there more incidents like this? What is your opinion?

    You need to read the articles below:

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago