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Deb M
Lv 7
Deb M asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What do you think of this article on Obama? Will he be unelectable?

I found an article early this morning that appears to provide more information on Obama's past. I always thought the DNC did not fully vet Obama but I never heard anyone say it until yesterday on Meet the Press. Mary Matlin made the statement that he has not been fully vetted...and we really don't know anything about him.

I'm not saying I believe any of this, frankly, I am shocked. Please access the link below and read the article. I want to know your thoughts. What do you think of this information? Thanks!!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I knew this info already---there is plenty about this in international news media, and it's true. just google odinga, raila, obama, ethnic cleansing, sharia law, etc etc etc.

    oh yeah, "Change" IS Odinga's campaign phrase, and an American was recommended to Odinga, and worked on his campaign.

    If the Democratic party selects Obama to represent them, they and all those who remain with the party are nothing to me, and to many other people. they should boot this ethnic cleansing sympathiser and his retinue out now, or defect themselves. this goes beyond party politics.

  • 1 decade ago

    It just goes to show you that he is not a Christian at heart. Christians do not expect government to do everything for them. They believe in hard work and compassion, helping a friend in need out of your heart, not because some politician wants all your money for their own selfish purposes. Christians only have bitterness in their hearts when they are struggling with their relationships with GOD, not the Government or money!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is the most liberal member of the Senate. He has the typical liberal attitude of 'I know what's best for you and you don't. Government is the answer to all your problems'. There are a lot of things about Obama that haven't been brought to the light of day because to oppose him makes you a bigot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From a conservatives perspective this would be scary as they are socialized to believe certain states and perceptions about the world.

    I think this is right wing scare tactics and can see Obama is just as always trying to lean america in a direction closer to the european countries with socialized capitalist democracy

    it is the best system.........

    but the elite and corps in america propagandize that this system is flawed because they are protecting their power and wealth from the lower class

    Obama supports more control over the elite and they are fighting him any way they can

    simple folk do not know any better and end up siding with the elite

    this recession is a product of their stupidity

    and if we elect mccain it will get worst....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth according to Obama that is.

    People don't have to be bitter or fustrated by washington to have religion, guns and against illegal immigrants.

    Maybe it's just that Obama supporters are bitter, angry fustrated and that's why the support him

  • Litta
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    After I viewed the videos of Rev Wright preaching his screwed up lies about Jesus being black, I thought that I was going to vomit!! Jesus was not black nor was he white!! Jesus was Hebrew NOT BLACK!! Rev Wright also preached about it's pay back time!! Pay back time, for what, for whites to become slaves?? That's why he does not want people to cling to their churches, or to have weapons, because he is trying to render the whites helpless and defenseless, to become controlled and brain washed with his false ethics!! Go to youtube and see for your self!! Now I clearly see what's really going on!! WORD!!

  • 1 decade ago

    So true!

    Even if Obama got the nomination (doubt it) McCain will win the election.

  • R M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    And the plot thickens!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This just a rehashing of all the previous bashing. Besides, the writer admits it's just rumor and not verified. How can anybody take it seriously? Oh yeah...right.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you seen where his church has supported hamas!! of course obama hussein says he never knew that either. what a bunch of bs.

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