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Deb M
Lv 7
Deb M asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Pretty Impressive List of Supporters...what do you think?

Open Letter from Former Admirals and Generals Supporting Hillary Clinton

The challenges facing our nation today are among the most difficult of any time in our history. We are fighting wars on two fronts. Our credibility and leadership in the world have been eroded; our alliances are frayed; our armed forces are under strain.

As retired flag and general officers, we have devoted our lives to our country. We have hundreds of thousands of men and women on the front lines that have done the same. At this critical time in our nation’s history, our men and women in uniform deserve better than a presidential debate mired in trivia. The stakes are simply too high. As we are poised to choose our next Commander-in-Chief, we should not allow the media to divert attention from the real issues. What matters is who is ready and inspired to lead -- who can be Commander-in -Chief on Day One.

It is imperative that our new President knows how and when to use force and diplomacy judiciously, to know how to deploy the olive branch and the arrow. The President needs to be ready to act swiftly and decisively in a crisis. And we think our next President must restore our moral authority and leadership around the world with the courage to meet with our adversaries when appropriate, and the wisdom to pursue diplomacy wisely.

It is especially important to understand the military and diplomatic challenges facing us in Iraq, and to end the Iraq war responsibly and safely. It is also important to rededicate ourselves to winning in Afghanistan, the forgotten front line in our fight against terrorism.

In these critical areas, it is clear to us that Senator Clinton is the candidate best qualified to be our nation's next Commander-in-Chief.

We believe that she has real understanding of the military through her diligent service on the Senate Armed Services Committee. She has worked tirelessly to ensure our men and women in uniform are properly trained and equipped to be sent to battle. And she has fought to make certain that they are treated with dignity when they return home. We have personally and closely observed her respect for our armed forces, and she has earned their respect. And ours.

We hope that as a country, we will now turn our attention to the critical issues that will determine the future of our great nation.

General Wesley Clark

General Henry Hugh Shelton

Admiral William Owens

Lt. Gen. Joe Ballard

Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy

Lt. Gen. Donald Kerrick

Vice Admiral Joseph A. Sestak, Jr.

Major General Roger R. Blunt

Major General George Buskirk, Jr.

Major General Paul D. Eaton

Major General Antonio M. Taguba

Brigadier General Michael Dunn

Brigadier General Evelyn "Pat" Foote

Brigadier General Virgil A. Richard

Brigadier General Jack Yeager

Brigadier General John M. Watkins, Jr.

Rear Admiral Roland G. Guilbault

Rear Admiral Stuart F. Platt

Rear Admiral David Stone

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a list of people that know the Oval Office is not a Government Social Service Job and is not a training ground for trial and error by someone that has NO back ground in anything.

    They know the American People must have an experienced person that knows how to wage war against the present system and make changes and a staff with the same to get it done.

    Obama's major experience has been working in Government Social Service programs. Law practice for a short time and Senator for even a shorter time.

  • R M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Having been raised in military life I am compelled to take notice. "Tact and Diplomacy" was not a choice as we moved around the world, if you didn't practice it local kids would do horrible things to you. I can you tell that traveling the world today isn't what it was 10 years ago, it's far more risky now.

    These guys are so right about the importance of how the world perceives us and we have to get beyond the petty name calling.

    So, while all the candidates have these types of endorsements we would do ourselves proud to move on to the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Think that list is impressive ???

    First they are Not allowed by Law to publicly

    endorse any Political Candidate...

    But then again everyone on that list has

    been promised a position in Queen Billay's

    "One World Government"...

    All of the above are Traitors to the American

    People and Constitution...and the Oath they

    Swore !!!!

    Wonder how many of the above have actually

    been in actual COMBAT...???

    As a 100% Disabled Combat Vet none of the above

    are FIT to lead a horse to water !!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With all the money the Clintons stole over the years they can afford to buy as many Generals and Admirals they want.

    Bill Clinton can afford to buy lots of support with his Kazakstan money!

    Sept. 6, 2005, a private plane carrying the Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra landed in Kazakhstan. Accompanying Mr. Giustra that day was a former president of the United States, Bill Clinton.

    The two men were whisked off to share a sumptuous midnight banquet with Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan A. Nazarbayev, whose 19-year stranglehold on the country has all but quashed political dissent.

    Mr. Nazarbayev walked away from the table with a propaganda coup, after Mr. Clinton expressed enthusiastic support for the Kazakh leader’s bid to head an international organization that monitors elections and supports democracy. Mr. Clinton’s public declaration undercut both American foreign policy and sharp criticism of Kazakhstan’s poor human rights record by, among others, Mr. Clinton’s wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

    Within two days, corporate records show that Mr. Giustra also came up a winner when his company signed preliminary agreements giving it the right to buy into three uranium projects controlled by Kazakhstan’s state-owned uranium agency, Kazatomprom.

    The monster deal stunned the mining industry, turning an unknown shell company into one of the world’s largest uranium producers in a transaction ultimately worth tens of millions of dollars to Mr. Giustra, analysts said.

    Just months after the Kazakh pact was finalized, Mr. Clinton’s charitable foundation received its own windfall: a $31.3 million donation from Mr. Giustra that had remained a secret until he acknowledged it last month. The gift, combined with Mr. Giustra’s more recent and public pledge to give the William J. Clinton Foundation an additional $100 million, secured Mr. Giustra a place in Mr. Clinton’s inner circle, an exclusive club of wealthy entrepreneurs in which friendship with the former president has its privileges.


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  • AB17
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    impressive list. but i think she got most of these vets b/c of Bill Clinton's presidency. I'm sure Bill and these vets work together at time during his eight years as commander in chief. nonetheless it is still impressive.

    but keep in mind of all the presidential candidates, both republican and democrat, barack obama has received the most money in donations from iraq war vets.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not bad. Over 100 supporting McCain,including Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf .

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I respect the opinion of military supporters.

  • 5 years ago

    And stepping up on those low flush toilets who needs water when you have those sidewalks

  • Ezz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Obama and McCain, both have impressive backings from other Generals.

  • Frank
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Meh. McCain has a much longer list, not that I really care what military men have to say about politics.

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