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Deb M
Lv 7
Deb M asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Did Obama really say this??

I copied the blog below from a website, did Obama really say this? Was the Kennedy clan deceived?

Another little blunder from Obama that happened about a year ago. I was not currently blogging then, but if I was it would have been touched on. While in Selma, Alabama last year he talked about how it was because of the March in Selma in 1965 that his parents were able to get together a spawn lil' Obama. How sweet! Except, Obama was born in 1961! Apparently the march in Selma not only helped end racial segregation and bigotry, it's also was the place where the time machine was invented! And in attempt to channel the Kennedy Klan, he praised the Kennedy's for making his fathers arrival in the USA possible during the Kenyan airlift. The Kennedy's funded the second airlift in 1960. Only problem is that daddy Obama came on the first airlift in 1959.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    anything that will prove Obama is a Lie will not be printed till he gets up against McCain

  • 1 decade ago

    The date discrepancy for the Kennedy air lift are just one year apart. And the Selma March was only four years apart. It is a very easy mistake to make - I probably would have done the same thing. At least he didn't say that he was greeted on a trip to Bosnia with sniper fire when nothing of the sort happened - that was just a blatant lie.

    There is a reason why people aren't making much of Obama's mistake, because they weren't really that big of a mistake to begin with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're splitting hairs. The Kennedy's were involved in the airlift at some point--do you think this makes a damn bit of difference?? If you want to take on some issue that might have merit talk about his lack of judgment with regard to his pastor--something with at least a little meat

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes he did, but I assure you he just misspoke as he did with all of the other misleading statements. Pay no attention to the true man behind the curtain.

    "There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama"

    Too bad BHO was already four years old

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  • 1 decade ago

    More meaningless attacks from the Obama opposition. We can move beyond these kinds of groundless attacks and focus on real issues. Yes Obama did error. Obama was mistaken about certain aspects of his family story. None of these errors are remotely relevant to his campaign.

    Here's more ammunition you can add to groundless attacks if you want to continue the politics of fear and division.

    1. Obama misleads on NAFTA: Obama advisor tells a Canadian representative not to worry about NAFTA. Obama's issues with NAFTA primarily concern Mexico. What is the difference here? They agree. Where's the substance?

    2. Obama misleads on Iraq: Both Obama and his advisor stated Obama will monitor the situation on the ground in Iraq as part of the troop reduction. What is the difference here? Where is the substance?

    3. Obama hates Israel: Obama votes 100% supporting Israel and has a strong military voting record. Obama was recently endorsed by 70 Jewish Leaders in PA. Where is the substance?

    4. Rezko: Obama addressed all issues regarding Rezko in an extended interview with the Chicago media to their satisfaction. That's why we hear little or nothing about this issue anymore in the MSM. Where is the substance?

    5. Obama is a Muslim: Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is a Christian. Obama's father was a non-practicing Muslim. It's a tragedy that if Obama was a Muslim it would make a difference. Anything else would undermine religious freedom in America. Where is the substance?

    6. Obama's pastor is racist and anti-American: Reverend Wright is renowned biblical scholar who praised for building a large and socially active congregation. Rev. Wright is supported by white members and ministers of his congregation and the predominated white church to which it belongs. On Anderson Cooper last night, several ministers endorsed Rev. Wright and the one interviewed praised his work and contributions and asked for understanding of different styles of delivering God's message. Cooper showed that MLK was also called anti-American for his anti-war sermons. Rev. Wright condemns certain actions of America and its people. Rev. Wright is sometimes wrong or ridicules. Sounds like most everyone posting on this blog to me. Where is the understanding of differences. Where is the substance.

    These are only a few of the groundless attacks against Obama. Most don't even pass the common sense test. Let's move beyond the politics of attack and division and focus on the compelling issues facing us today. America is ready for change.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was talking about how movements like that paved the way for his parents to get together and for him to become what he has become. It wasn't meant to be taken literally, that he was the result of that one movement.

    as for the airlift comment:

    It turns out that The Kennedy's, JFK to be precise, did start a program called the "Kennedy-Kenyan Airlift" in 1959 before JFK became President. They ran it for 3 years (through the Kennedy Foundation) up until JFK's first year as President. Barack's father was among the first batch of students airlifted from Kenya to come study here. In fact Wangari Muta Maathi - A prominent Kenyan and first Black African to receive a nobel peace prize, also beneffited from the program when she was airlifted in 1960 to study in Kansas.

  • 1 decade ago

    You clearly did not read the entire speech or understand his point. He was making the point that incidences like the march gave african americans the freedom to do things like go to college etc etc.

    No one is making any deal out of this because there is no "deal" to be made. Nothing he said was incorrect.

  • 1 decade ago

    You put some research into this Question.It doesn't compare to lie Hillary told.Try again!

    Obama 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory President!

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard this on the news. Nobama and Clinton speak words of convenience. Convenience of memory. (What fabrications can I spew on the people and hope they are ignorant enough to believe me.) Both of their statements fit into the "I smoked but didn't inhale" category.

  • Andy S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes. He "mis-speaks" quite a bit, but doesn't get near the coverage for it that Hillary does. Funny how the media operates, isn't it?

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