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Deb M
Lv 7
Deb M asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Do you agree with this statement below?

McCain wrote, "Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation."

So, McCain wants to run the health insurance like he deregulated the financial institutions. And now the taxpayers are paying for their bill. CEOs walked away from AIG and Bear Stearns walked away with millions!! Do you agree with what McCain wrote?

Below is the link to the article:

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol, I just asked a similar question. McCain is an idiot. Palin is a scary fundamentalist christian who is very ambitious, only somewhat bright (but too dumb to realize all that she doesn't understand), and from all I"ve read about her Alaskan adventure, she is very vindictive and secretive... kinda a blend of dick cheney and gw, but better looking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. I agree McCain wrote that.

    Since that isn't what you meant to ask I'll go the extra mile.

    As a matter of historical record, we can be certain that opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition would provide more choices of more cost-effective and innovative products.

    As for the rest of your question, your facts are wrong and/or irrelevant.

    McCain didn't deregulate jack. Financial institutions are so regulated they have almost no decisions to make. Nearly every imaginable choice is mandated one way or another as a matter of law.

    Taxpayers are stuck with the bills for:

    1) AIG: an insurance company, not a bank, so not relevant to your question.

    2) Fannie-Mae and Freddie -Mac: Government created, backed and run. Not private institutions in any normal sense of the term.

    You're looking at catastrophic failures in "businesses" completely controlled by the government and somehow believing these are "free market" failures.

    Here's a hint from history. It's ALWAYS like that. Stuff crashes and burns when government runs it then Democrats say it was freedom that caused the problem and vast numbers of zombie voters take their advise and beg to be chained up for their own protection.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, because deregulation wasn't the problem with the current financial crisis and deregulation is the key function as to why inflation has been easier to control since Jimmy Carters administration. I believe that Clinton signed most of the laws that deregulated some of these markets.

    It has been price competition that has kept inflation in check and regulating the markets again will bring back difficulty for the FED to maintain inflation again. There needs to be a hybrid here, not an emotional reaction to what is happening.

    1987 happened in a regulated market and we had a nasty recession by 1990. So I ask, how does regulating the markets help again?

    Source(s): I only used 1987 as an example, there are more.
  • 1 decade ago

    Please explain what the effects of deregulation will be on health insurance providers.

    As far as I know, increased competition among sellers is not a bad thing for buyers. But the sellers have to be prudent enough in their pricing policies to ensure their long-term survival. It seems to me that the failure of Bear Stearns and AIG should be laid at the feet of those companies' managers. That is why CEOs get the big bucks.

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  • None
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I agree with where McCain stands on health care because we need to open up choices. Forcing everyone to have national health care is ridiculous. And stop blaming McCain for the current crisis on Wall Street. He supported a bill that would oversee these people, and was shot down by dems and repubs in 2005...while Barack, Chris Dodd, and John Kerry had their hand in the Fannie and Freddie till.

    I'm not reading anything in the Washington Post, btw, they're extremely biased.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I don't agree and it's a timely quote to remind people of. If John McCain gets his way we could face the same collapse of the healthcare industry and we are seeing right now with banking.

    Source(s): .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anybody who thinks that any health insurance company is going to lower their prices is an idiot of a colossal scale.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    since when does the president *run* the world of private health care? if thats true someone has a lot of explaining to do!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes.Ever heard of choices? Or would you rather foot the bill for free for all health care for everybody? Obamas great idea...

  • 1 decade ago

    If he wants to run health insurance like Bush has run banking, I just support him even less.

  • 1 decade ago


    Its the Democrats that will ruing it just like they did the bank system.

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