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Deb M
Lv 7
Deb M asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Who would better handle the economy situation ?

The stock market crash of 1929 was during the Hoover administration. Hoover was a republican who campaigned for a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage. During that time there was no oversight of the stock market. When the stock market began to go under, Hoover said the stock market would take care of itself. We all know what happened.

FDR was elected and implemented a lot of programs for the people, such as Social Security, the WPA, etc. He also implemented oversight of the financial institutions thus restoring our country. Since the Reagan administration these protections were eliminated one by one. With the final blow cast by the Bush administration. Should we learned from history? Who do you think will be the FDR for this Century? McCain who worked with the republicans to deregulate the financial world making CEOs the winners walking away with millions and sticking the taxpayers with the bill? Trickle down economics. Or that other guy eclipsed in the video below?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OBAMA; its proven Democrats handle the economy better than republicans.

  • Gem
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You all are too young to remember the 80s, or the Carter administration in the 70s that led us to massive unemployment and bank seizures.

    CLINTON signed into law the trade policies that took our real jobs, then the policies that created the current housing fiasco.

    With Obama's tax and spend policies, and the current adminsitrations need to "fix" it, we are headed into a Great Depression.

    Most people don't realize that the biggest crash & devaluation on Wall Street did not happen until '33 & '34, NOT '29. The big crash happened after Congress "fixed" the problems.

    Having seen this coming for a long time, and having lived through the horrendous '80s, this is my advice.

    Quit allowing politicians to steal from you and keep us firmly divided between "us" and "them". Hold them ALL accountable.

    Quit supporting the major corporations by going into debt to buy their crap. Save your money, pay cash & buy from small local companies that actually create jobs IN AMERICA.

    Go as natural as you can, downsize your life (technology, phone service, cable etc. you do not NEED the iphone). Eat locally grown produce and meat that is NOT treated with chemicals from the massive corporations.

    Buy food, stock up now. We haven't seen anything yet and food costs (especially under the insane Green Movement) are going to spiral to the point that many of your fellow citizens will wonder how to feed their children.

    The politicians and Wall Street got us INTO this mess, to expect any of them to "fix" it is insanity. If a mechanic blows your motor, would you expect the same mechanic to be able to fix it? I wouldn't, yet we keep voting the same idiots back into office. And this includes Obama and Biden.

    Good luck to us all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that argument is total blarney. the FDR programs and also the Hoover programs served to prolong the depression by years. if the market had been allowed to cleanse itself of bad debt and recover on it's own the great depression would have lasted a third as long and the economy would have been stronger in the recovery.

    Source(s): Gold: the once and future money by Nathan Lewis
  • 1 decade ago


    If the government steps in, the net effect is the same: a drain on the capital market resulting in less money for the economy.

    If the government does nothing, a huge imbalance in the economy would have to correct itself resulting in a short term bad economy.

    Pay now or pay later? It's your call.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously McCain would handle the economy better. Reagan proved time and time again that trickle-down economics works better than most Democrats plans for the economy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain saw the problem with Fannie and Freddie back in 2005. He tried to pass reform, but it died in committee. There aren't any dems that have done anything to rein in F&F. They're just the ones that have taken the most campaign money.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    According to MOST reliable polls Most Americans feel Democrats are more just in this area.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John "The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should" McCain ALL THE WAY BABY!@!!!!!!

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