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  • Why do Ipod Touches keep filling up with "other" files?

    My daughter was even deleting cover art and her "other" files went from 1.02 to 1.3 gigs. That is quite a bite on an 8 gig ipod

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • What happened to the Bush tax cuts for the rich?

    So, if Obama refers to the rich as anyone earning over $250K, where did the Bush tax cuts go?

    Mostly to the wealthy, right? What percentage went to those earning over $250K? 50%, 75$, 90%?

    How much of the "tax cuts for the rich" went to the rich?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Help with white vinyl fence...What cleans it?

    Okay, I have a white vinyl fence. It is getting a lot of rust colored build up on it. What will clean it? Not CLR, Bleach, or pressure washing. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling10 years ago
  • Ron Paul Supporters...Is Ron Paul a liberal? (long, but please read and respond)?

    Many of his supporters describe themselves as conservatives, but they back a national security agenda which is almost identical with the radical left.

    Refers the both the Cold War and the War on Terror a “farce”. He compares the U.S. role in Afghanistan to “a schoolyard bully.”

    DEFICIT SPENDING: He claims to be for limited government but Ron and Rand Paul were among the few Republicans who opposed the Paul Ryan budget to reduce the deficit by $6.2 trillion over a decade. They said it did not cut enough, but they would not accept the Ryan plan as a starting point.

    EARMARKS: He is the only GOP candidate who continues to support earmarks and pork barrel spending. He votes against every appropriations bill but only after making sure he has received his usual $400 million every year.

    TRADE: He claims to support free trade but votes against every free trade agreement.

    ABORTION: He claims to be pro-life, and says the Right to Life is the foundation for all rights in the Constitution. The truth is that he is really pro-choice on the state level. That is the purpose of his Sanctity of Life Bill. He is essential saying it is fine with him to kill a child if a state agrees.

    IMMIGRATION: He claims to be against illegal immigration, but has voted against the border fence and the E-Verify program to stop employers from hiring illegal aliens. In fact, he is against all laws that prohibit employers from hiring illegal aliens.

    He opposes Arizona’s get tough policies and the deportation of people who are here illegally. He claims to oppose amnesty but that is what his program advocates. If a state wants open borders that is fine with him. NumbersUSA gives him an “F” rating on immigration.

    DEFENSE: Paul, 75, says he supports a strong national defense but the $1 trillion in Pentagon reductions he is seeking would end all modernization and readiness programs. It would return America to the hollow military of the 1970s when many service members were eligible for food stamps.

    CIVIL RIGHTS: He is the only Republican in the House or Senate who opposes the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    FOREIGN POLICY: The Congressman says if he was President 1) He would not have authorized the raid to kill Osama bin Laden. 2) Iraq would have been allowed to take over Kuwait. 3) He would have done nothing if Saddam Hussein threatened to capture three-quarters of the world's reserves by taking over the Saudi oil fields.

    ISRAEL: He rarely fails to repeat propaganda from terrorist groups. He claims Israel is keeping food, medicine and humanitarian supplies out of Gaza, even though the Red Cross says this is not true and there is no crisis.

    INTELLIGENCE: He accuses the CIA of being in the drug business and says they need to be “taken out. There's been a coup, have you heard? It's the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military.

    GOLD STANDARD: He is the author of four books advocating a return to the gold standard. It did not work in the past, and no country has ever been able to maintain it. Gold is not sound money and it can be easily manipulated.

    ECONOMICS: Paul advocates the Austrian School of Economics which is totally ignored by mainstream academia. The standard economics texts used on the university level do not even mention it. There are no more than 75 scholars worldwide who follow the Austrian School while there are over 20,000 economists in the American Economics Association.

    12 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Why are Reid and Pelosi against Obamacare?

    They were among the most instrumental in talking, bribing, and threatening for votes in favor of Obamacare...Now Reid has pushed for and gotten waivers for HIS ENTIRE STATE, and 1 out of 5 of the 1000+ waivers granted by Obama have been granted in PELOSI'S DISTRICT!

    How do these #$&*ing hypocrites keep getting elected?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do women put their hair up for formal?

    Consider this. In all glamor photos, hair is down. Take the upcoming Miss USA pageant. I have a friend competing, and if you go to the Miss USA site, all photos are hair down. Every man that I know says that hair down looks better (unless their spouse/significant other has just put their hair up and asks them what they think)...and then for formals, so many put their hair up? Why?

    Guys who answer...your girlfriend/wife is not watching. What looks better, hair up or hair down?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is Obama's decision not to show Osama's photo smart or the Audacity of a Dope?

    I think that Osama has been dead for years and the CIA got their hands on Osama's DNA, then ordered an attack on a terrorist camp to find a body to pin it on. I do not think that the SEALS had any knowledge of it, but there are many reasons to think that Osama has been dead for years.

    The decision not to show the photos has NO valid reason behind it.

    Not to inflame the terrorists? I think that a bullet in his brain would inflame them more than a picture.

    Not to embolden the terrorists? Folding to pressure would embolden them by making them think (correctly with regards to Obama) that we are weak.

    NOT showing the photos is, IMHO another reason to believe that Osama was dead long ago, and this is staged to try to salvage Obama's re-election campaign.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Trump who he claims to be?

    Consider these facts.

    Shortly after BHO was elected, Trump said the GWB was the worst president in history and Barack Obama could become the best.

    After Pelosi won the Speaker Chair, Trump personally called her to congratulate her and said "You are the best."

    George Soros contributed $160 million to one of Trump's recent construction projects.

    Trump donated $50,000 to Rham Emmanuel's mayoral campaign.

    Trump has donated to Charles Schumer

    Trump had donated lots of money to dems over the years.

    So, I ask you...Is Trump the conservative that he is acting like, or could he be a plant from the DNC. Fairly unknown politically, but VERY famous in business, is it possible that this is 100% an act in order to gain enough support to split the conservative vote, but not get the nomination, then run as an independent creating the Ross Perot effect and handing Obama a re-election?

    What do you think?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If all things were equal, would you support a father's right to abortion?

    This is specifically for those who are pro-choice. It is hypothetical...if you do not like hypothetical questions, go answer a different question.

    So, let's say that sex leads to pregnancy. HOWEVER, in this HYPOTHETICAL situation, it is carried by both the father and mother simultaneously....or by choose. HYPOTHETICALLY, all impact is exactly the same for both parents.

    Would you pro-choice people support the father's right to abort the fetus even against the wishes of the mother?

    I know that in reality it is her body, and all of the other things that you will want to throw out. DON'T bother. Just answer the question. If the mother wanted the baby, but the father wanted it aborted, would you support his right to abort it against the wishes of the mother?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would you support a father's right to abortion?

    First, I apologize for the repeat question, but have changed the details.

    A woman has an abortion and there is no impact on the father except any emotional impact that he incurs.


    If a man had the ability to remove a fetus from the mother without miscarriage, abortion or any physical impact whatsoever...even restoring the woman as if she were never pregnant....THIS IS HYPOTHETICAL....would you support his right to terminate a pregnancy?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Would you support a father's right to abortion?

    Seriously, to all of you pro-choice people out there. If there were a way that a father could cause a mother to mis-carry a child with ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on the mother, with the exception of the same emotional experience a father who did not want a baby supported would suffer, would you support it? Say, within the first tri-mester...and without consent of the mother.

    Of course it is 100% hypothetical, but if it could happen, would those of you who are pro-choice support it? Why or why not?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you think that we will see a one world currency?

    Whether as predicted by the Bible, or just because of the trends happening throughout the world, do you think that there will ever be a one world currency? Why or why not?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • TARP Mortgage program....success or failure?

    Please play along. Give it your rating, then scroll down and be honest if your opinion has changed...even if you think highly and it improved or you think it is bad and your opinion went even lower.

    A. Monster success

    B. As they planned it

    C. Successful, but not quite what they promised

    D. Colossal failure









































    The Obama administration promised that this program would help millions of people keep their homes. To date, 44 households have been helped by the program. The total cost of the program so far is just over $50 Million. So for each household that benefited from the program, the cost was just under $1,140,000...OVER ONE MILLION PER HOUSEHOLD HELPED. what is your opinion of the TARP mortgage assistance program?

    A. Monster success

    B. As they planned it

    C. Successful, but not quite what they promised

    D. Colossal failure

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How would you rate the success of the TARP mortgage program?

    Please play along. Give it your rating, then scroll down and be honest if your opinion has changed...even if you think highly and it improved or you think it is bad and your opinion went even lower.

    A. Monster success

    B. As the planned it

    C. Successful, but not quite what they promised

    D. Colossal failure









































    The Obama administration promised that this program would help millions of people keep their homes. To date, 44 households have been helped by the program. The total cost of the program so far is just over $50 Million. So for each household that benefited from the program, the cost was just under $1,140,000...OVER ONE MILLION PER HOUSEHOLD HELPED. what is your opinion of the TARP mortgage assistance program?

    A. Monster success

    B. As the planned it

    C. Successful, but not quite what they promised

    D. Colossal failure

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How bad does something have to fail before Obama will admit he made a mistake?

    Or is there EVER a time when he will?

    Take the House action today to shut down the failed TARP mortgage programs.

    When the Obama administration created the program, it claimed that it would help between 500,000 and 1.5 million homeowners. Since it went into effect in September, however, the program has wasted millions of dollars on only 44 homeowners.

    “This program is already allocated $50 million and has helped only 44 people. Do the math,” said Bachus during the floor debate.

    OVER ONE MILLION PER HOMEOWNER IS A FAIL! Obama says that if the bill to shut it down passes the Senate, he will veto it. Mr. Obama...GET A CLUE!

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Where are the liberals on this one?

    GW Bush said that prisoners could be held at GITMO indefinitely while waiting for trial/tribunal...LIBERALS WERE OUTRAGED FOR YEARS.

    Obama signs an executive order that they can keep prisoners at GITMO forever...EVEN IF FOUND NOT GUILTY.

    Granted, I was saying that we needed to give the prisoners a day in court...a military tribunal. But Obama wants to be above the jury/tribunal and keep people who are found not guilty.

    Where is the outrage from liberals? From human rights groups? Where are the protests?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are you aware that Obama gave his blessing to nullification?

    Obama changed his stance on the federal Defense of Marriage Act and directs the justice dept to stop defending the law in court.

    Several states have passed same-sex marriage or civil union laws in direct defiance of the federal law...effectively enacting nullification...and Obama bowed to the pressure, thereby effectively embracing the states rights in issues outside of the powers of the federal government.

    So, after DOMA and Obamacare, which unconstitutional laws do you think that we should nullify next?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A serious question: Why do you support unions?

    Granted, the union had its place in the 20s and 30s, but today it only helps the lazy, IMHO.

    So, for those of you who work harder in your position than those around you, I have this question. Why would you support unions and collective bargaining? Considering that your wages are brought down by the lazy guy or gal who does the same thing that you do, why would you go for it.

    Because of WI, I bring in the example of the teachers union. Here is a group of people of varying commitment and skill....anyone who has ever attended public school could not deny that with a straight face. WHY would a good teacher who should be getting raises based on merit be good with seeing a lazy teacher coasting due to Tenure, putting forth 10% of the effort of the newer teacher and earning far more money based SOLELY on seniority?

    I worked in a union shop where I LITERALLY put out 50% of the production in my position. The other 3 employees with the same job combined to put out as much as I did. They made the same wages as I did, they got the same benefits as I did, and their job was more secure than mine because they had been there 1-3 years longer than I had.

    In another job, two of us put out more production than the other 9 was not union. Within 6 months of working there (other other hard worker had been there two years), he was the highest paid employee in that position and I was the second highest. WE WERE PAID FOR OUR EFFORT.

    This is the difference between union and non-union shops.

    So, why on earth would a hard working person support unions????

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you oppose the Patriot Act?

    Please answer all of these questions...I am curious

    1. Do you oppose the Patriot Act?

    2. If so, have you let your opposition be heard?

    3. When was the last time you made a call, email, fax, or letter about it?

    4. What do you think of Obama's actions regarding the Patriot Act?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you help me with my ipod touch and wifi?

    I have had this ipod touch for about a year now and have had no problem connecting to wifi. All of a sudden it will not connect. I have tried it at home, at my friend's house where I have connected before and at Starbucks. Nada. I have gone so far as to restore factory settings completely. Nada.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago