How to tell the difference between implantation bleeding and your period?

Does anyone know how to tell between implantation bleeding or getting your period? My period is 5 days late today and this morning there was a faint line saying I was pregnant on the pregnancy test. Tonight I started bleeding like I am getting my period. I had a miscarriage 3 months ago after 12 weeks of being pregnant. I am just curious is there anyway to tell the difference if I am pregnant again or getting my period.


Favorite Answer

implantation bleeding is exactly like spotting

a a period..


Many women experience implantation bleeding and mistake it for a period. It can be just like a period, but usually isn't as heavy or long as a regular period. Test again in a few days. If it's still negative, it's just your period. Good luck!


implantation bleeding is very lite and only lasts around 2 days.
your period is usually alot heavier. so if its implantation bleeding than you wont be able to fill a pantyliner over those 2 days.
implantation bleeding is very rare i think it only happens to about 20-30% of women.