Need some stats? Abortion topic?

Hey guys, I don't want to get a debate started.

Just answer if you're Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, age, and if you have kids.

I need some statistics on it.

Kty to all who respond.


Favorite Answer

1 Infant
Some real facts, look at Table 1.

It is entirely possible to have an abortion and not feel guilt because you knew it was the right thing to do.

~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion <no regrets> and I have a 9 month old daughter <no regrets>. I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

Abortion: There is a Consensus


Of course it is ! We are in this world and pre teens are having sex and do not know what is going on. They should be informed properly. As a topic, you must take a stand: if you are against, be sure you have your sources lined up as well as a powerful opening statement and a convincing closing statement. If you are in favor, same things get your sources ready with quotations and all of the above mentioned. We are not ostriches, we live in the world and see things we wish did not happen, but they are happening and we all must be learning to avoid pains one way or the other. As a young woman in Junior High you must be interested in learning about the dangers of sex at an early age and the consecuences. Every act has a consecuence. We must be aware of it. Good luck with your work at school !

Julie mama to 1 boy and 3 girls!2009-09-20T20:04:00Z

Pro Life, 4 kids age 26


1 baby on the way


pro-choice, 28, 2 children I've had an abortion at age 17 after having first child, learned lesson stayed on birth control til I got married had another child and my tubes tied and I do not regret anything i've ever done.

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