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Abortion, why not?

I have seen this question asked before by someone else but I saw no satisfactory answer.

To those who appose abortion and say give the child up for adoption.

Do you know the real stats on adoptions of babies of Drug Addicts, Babies with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Pre-noted Handicapped children? They are not very good. I can post the stats I find but they change from day to day and would be invalid by the time someone that wanted to divert the point from the real question.

How many people that have Anti-abortion views have really adopted children from people that wanted to have an abortion?

Why do people that want to stop abortions not set up adoptions instead of telling people they are wrong?

All “I am to young to adopt but I will” and “ I know someone that adopted” answers of the type will be reported as point gaming. Because that is all they are doing.

I will give this the longest allowable time so real answers can be given.


I have twins and one is a quadraplegic. I never had thought of an abortion. but I know a family that adopted two kids and one ened up in a wheel chair and they have stated " I wish I would have known."

how ever you want to take that quote.

Update 2:


Actually I have given a thumb up to one good anti-abortion answer. I am not looking for a specific answer I just am looking at enlightenment and I have seen two ansewrs that have given me some to both sides.

Update 3:

CGI you make it sound as if all sex is consensual, if it where there would be no “Date Rape” drugs

Update 4:

Well I have accomplished what I wanted to know. In here just as at my door on my home, it is mostly men that are taking away the rights of women I have had 2 men come to my home telling me vote yes to keep our state law that states there is no excuse for an abortion.

The one woman that came to my door was pro choice.

Now I say to all the brain washed women out there, If a fat, ugly, bi-polar, angry, mentally ill man much like myself drug you in an alley or in his home and ripped the close from your body and entered you, inseminating you and causing you great stress you would repay him by carrying my child for 9 months.

Would you and your husband still love each other after you carried my baby and had it for me, would your relationship still be like it was before. What if during my rape trial my lawyer made it sound as if you wanted me to have sex with you, would your husband still feel the same way about you, do you think he will want to make love to you?

Neither do I.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i believe that people who are pregnant have a choice, to keep the baby and try to be the best parent they can, give the baby up for adoption or have an abortion,

    i just turned 24 yesterday and i am due to have my second baby in a week or two with my partner. abortion or adoption never came to mind because we wanted a family.

    i dont know anyone who has given their baby for adoption but i know 2 people who have had abortions and both already have a child, my friend aborted because the baby was deformed with no arms and my sister had one because they werent ready for another baby they are only really young and want to wait a few more years.

    wether i agree or not i dont really have a say what they do and it's not up to me to say thats wrong because it's none of my business.

    i think everyone has their own opinions which they are entitled to but there comes a time when its none of their business and they should just stay out of it.

    this sort of topic is never easy on anyone, and for those who have to make such a decision should have support not critisism.

    thats just my opinion and people may or may not agree with me but again we are all entitled to an opinion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I for one do know about babies born drug addicts etc. I helped care for some of them. I fell in love with them and would have kept them all if I could have. There are many people like me who would be overjoyed to adopt children such as these. A baby is never unwanted- there is always someone who would love it.

    I do not believe in abortion under any situation including rape. How could that possibly make it ok? It is still a life no matter how it started. If you can't care for the child-it CAN find a good home somewhere else. What is 9 months of being uncomfortable compared to a living human- the most innocent life?

    In general situations (besides rape), pregnancy is completely preventable. So if you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy, it is due to irresponsibilty.

    I know I sound harshs, but while I say all this I love everyone who has ever had an abortion and would love to give them a great big hug and say I am sorry for all they have been through. It is a tough situation and alot easier for me to give my beliefs on the subject than actually being there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do crippled people not have a right to live? Every human is given the right of LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Knowing this, I do not believe it is right to try to control destiny by abortion. Perhaps that baby was supposed to have saved someone's life in the future? perhaps that baby would have discovered the cure for cancer? perhaps that baby would have done something great, or have an amazing influence in the world. Abortion, to me, is an act of selfishness. Crippled or not, that baby is still human. I do not know too many other "animals" that kill their own young. I do understand some of the reasons why people would think it is ok to abort, such as rape....but again, does that baby not have the right to live? I am deeply saddened by the fact that so many people would even CONCIDER abortion. Just because that baby does not have a say in the decision or cant fight back the decision, I dont think the baby doesnt want to live. Parents are given the HONOR of having the ability to bring to this world more life, and yet, so many people choose to decide if the baby should live. Its disgusting to me how people kill Gods children just because they dont want to deal with it. They wont even try, or put an effort into raising it.

    I hope you can come to the realization that the details of the baby isnt as important, as knowing that it IS, one of Gods true blessings to people and that there is someone that does and will have unconditional love for baby, even if nobody else will.

  • I believe abortion should be a LAST RESORT. There are MANY people who want to adopt babies. I have adopted a little boy who tested positive for marijuana & cocaine at birth. He will be 4 in March and I love him dearly - problems & all. I also do believe that in a situation such as rape there are times that abortion may be best rather than the pregnant woman reliving that horrible ordeal every minute of every day. That is, indeed, a difficult question.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would rather have a abortion than give it up for adoption and later find out the adopted parent/s abused or murdered the kid

    ( it happens)

    not all adoptions go smoothly with the baby going to a loving nurturing household

    yes a lot of the babies given up for adoption have never had prenatal care, are crack or fetal alcohol babies with mental or physical problems and are considered flawed

    I am pro choice ( as if you didn't guess by my response)

    AND feel that a baby adopted deserves married parents

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont mind abortion for girls who have been raped. and this may sound like a low quality answer but if people dont want to get pregnant than use contraception or keep you pants zipped up! as for people adopting, some anti abortionists dont want to adopt because they want to have children that have their blood running through them, they want to see in their child some of them. And many people are anti-abortionists because they cant have children and are mad that those who can are throwing away fetus' like that like its nothing. Nobody wants to adopt babies of drug addicts because its just more health problems that some do not want to deal with. Its sad yes, but when there is another child up for adoption that wasnt born from a drunk, u know those parents are gonna take the healthy child. And when Im old enough and responsible enough to have a child, im not going to adopt, i want to give birth to a child that has my blood. If I cant conceive, then i would most certainly adopt, and honestly, i would try to adopt a less fortunate child because I would want to be the person who made a good difference in their life. The fetus in the mothers womb should not be killed because the parent was an idiot and "forgot" to use contraception.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have obviously never been in the position of being a potential parent with the inability to conceive within a marriage. You do not know the longing of the woman, the desperate desire of a man who want children. My wife and I adopted 2 girls and if one of them had been a fetal alcohol child or the child of a drug addict we would have loved them the same as our children. We considered adopting a spina bifada child but did not qualify for the medical subsidies necessary to proceed (and we were older parents too that somewhat precluded the necessity of picking her up to place in the bath tub or put in bed, etc).

    You have no knowledge obviously of the love that is generated for a wanted child and the crushing pain of knowing that a child that you could have loved was murdered by abortion. Before you take the high and mighty attitude quoting stats and assuming that those children are not wanted you need to talk to prospective adoptive parents and get their stats. THAT, sir, would AMAZE even you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i have had an abortion before, and its very hard to handle. I do believe i killed a potential human being. Im pregnant again 6 months later (planned) because i know what i did was wrong but for the right reason.

    I was adopteed and so was my birth-brother. I just meet him and my birth family 3 months ago. Adoption is harder on the child then you might think.

    I asked my birthmom why didnt she have an abortion? She said to me " Jennifer it was hard giving you away, alot harder then having an abortion","If i could go back i would for everyone.

    Adoption ruined there family. They hated my birthmom after what she did.

    Source(s): And to everyone that is against abortion unless its from rape. What the hell is the difference ? a baby is a baby , a embroy is an embroy. Eather way rape or not its her choice. Just because its from a rape means its ok to abort it?
  • cgi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds to me like you want a certain answer that fits you. Well your answer only fits you, not everyone else. Why do they not help set up adoptions for everyone? because they have a job like everyone else and they are not professionals in that field. What this question really is about is that you are want a specific answer to help you with your point of view which is that you want abortion. Who cares about real stats? You wouldnt have stats if the problem is fixed. The question you should be asking is why should everyone who opposes abortion be forced to take care of other people's mistakes of having unwanted babies. If you cant be responsible for your own actions quit trying to make everyone else take responsiblity for you. If they dont have sex then problem solved. Quit trying to cover up the symptoms of the problem and fix the real problem. Babies and adoptions are not the problem. Our culture needs to change and until it does the problem wont be fixed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the thing about is there are plenty of capable ppl that would make great parents , but adoption agencies don't see it that way, if a girl came to me and said that she was going to have an abortion if she can't find some1 to give the child too, i would gladly give the child a good home and raise it like its one of my own, i don't care if it has problems, children are too be loved and anyone that doesn't want to raise a child with problems then they don't need to have children, plain and simple not all kids turn out just fine.

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