Why Do Alarmist Always Turn Good News into "But" Scenarios?

Every time a new scientific study comes out that rejects the "Climate Change" theory, or, demonstrates a net positive gain because of "Climate Change", the supporters of AGW always have a "but" scenario. These scenarios always follow good news with predictions of doom and gloom. Not that these doom and gloom scenarios have occurred or are supported by any studies. No, they are just thrown out there in order to keep the lie going. Following is a perfect example. The article is about how the vegetation on the earth has increased 6% over the study period (from 80's to 90's). they also go over how the Amazon Rain Forest has increased, "Owing to the added sunshine, photosynthesis has been rampant. The Amazon basin accounts for 42 percent of the global increase in vegetation.." In a normal world without politics, people (specifically the lefties) would be dancing in the streets to learn that even with us cutting down vast tracks of trees, the rain forest is increasing. This is awesome news. BUT, hold your horses, the article then goes into how in the future, things MAY not be so good. At this point in the article, it really is not worth reading as there is ZERO scientific evidence to support the "but" scenario.


Because of this "But" phenomenon, I am now officially labeling anyone of these types of people "But Heads". This is not to be confused with the more common name associated with the pronunciation of the word "But" which refers to people's derriere.

So come on everyone, refer to the doom and gloom crowd as "But Heads".


Paul gets added to the "But Head" roles.


BTW, if you want to read about more But Heads, follow my blog at:


JayDax, Excellent observation. However, I contend that this is part of the problem. AGW loonies should be laughed at for their idiotic ways. If actual scientist play into the fear, then the masses will continue to believe the lie.


Richard the Self Proclaimed Scientist,
I am well aware of the cutting down of forests.However, why are they cutting it down? Because of idiots on your side of the argument subsidize the hell out of biofuels (and yes, Bush was an idiot on this also). Thus, people will follow the money. If we eliminated the subsidies for biofuels, then you and I would not have this discussion.

So I think you or maybe your side of the argument are the real Butt heads.


John Sol, You are wrong. AGW is a theory based on science. But, the actual proof is based on science fiction. A theory is just that, until it can be proven. To date, no scientist has been able to prove AGW. The only thing they come up with are models, which are disproved shortly after they are released.


dana, self proclaimed master of science.

I would thin, that by your title, you would at least understand the simple basics of the scientific method. But alas, what is in a name but letters and a dreamer.


Redleg & Antarcti,
I claim both of you as members of the But Head group. The reason, you both state that the 2nd page as any sort of meaning. It does not. The author only stated some possible bad out comes, which NO scientific proof. Stating something bad is not science. It is being a But Head.


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This seem to be a poor exercise in coming up with yet another cute nickname like alarmist, moonbat, gore-whatever etc etc all a bit sad and childish really.
The funny part is, like the "mars is warming" which deniers also tried to use, which was also from National Geographic, like that story, this story has a second page which starts "For the short-term, at least"
This is not me saying 'but' it is your own link, beyond denier clap trap real scientists have been researching the effects of increased Co2 for some time and have shown that it will indeed increase some plant growth with a moderate drop in the the water these plants will require. This is science as is the research of the other effects GW that will not be good for us like sea level rise.


(Every time a new scientific study comes out that rejects the "Climate Change" theory)

Sorry but there aren't any, unless you are talking about the made up science coming from people like anthony watts, these are not scientific theories, that is the reason they can't get published in any real scientific journals.


Did you even read the second page, Einstein? Or do you enjoy cherry-picking?

"The problem is that eventually the positive effect of global climate change on vegetation production is likely to reverse. Climate changes go in cycles and Nemani says that "we hit a good patch for the last couple of decades."

In the Amazon, for example, the same amount of rain continues to fall each year even though the cloud cover has changed. What happens if the region starts to dry up? "It will be catastrophic," said Nemani.

This is already happening in Africa, where the equatorial forests are not doing as well as they did in the 1980s. Indeed, according to the study a few parts of world saw their plant production decrease over the two-decade period."


This is 2009 and we all know what's happened in Australia with their mega-droughts. Only a BUTT HEAD would cherry-pick data from 2003.


Good points.

I've always wondered how it can be considered "green" to reduce CO2 when that's what green plants live on.

Maybe the wacky environmental movement should be renamed to "black" since if they get their way plants will die and turn from green to black. Animals will die too, but that's also part of the plan.

Once you realize what the "environmentalists" really want, it's easy to understand why they do what they do and believe what they believe. Thankfully, most intelligent people no longer believe the AGW lies.

I love the silly nicknames they give to people who don't follow in lock-step with this AGW nonsense. I hear "deniers" thrown around a lot. It's kind of ironic when they are the ones who deny science and rely on some kind of "global warming" religion that is completely devoid of scientific fact.

Historians will note that "environmentalism" was part of the Nazi tactics to get people to fall into line with their strong arm fascist bullying. History certainly repeats itself in aspects like this "global warming" idiocy.

Richard the Physicist2009-09-25T07:43:28Z

You're just now learning of that 6 year old article? What it doesn't tell you is that the Brazilians are cutting out that rain forest now to plant crops for bio fuels and ranchers.

Some may be "but heads," BUT you are a true BUTT HEAD for failing to do additional research on the subject.

Deforestation charts:

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