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John E
Lv 6
John E asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

What is wrong with the Jews in Israel? Is Israel turning into WW2 Germany?

Hello my friends,

I was watching this video here

or that one here, posted by another user here at Yahoo! A

and I kept wondering if this is the right time for us the civilized world to do something about these people.

Yes the Jews.

They seem unable even to stop some 19-century fire rockets that the Russians used almost 100 years ago, my friends!

Instead of asking for our help, these "people" keep on torturing millions of innocent souls trapped with all exits sealed inside the biggest concentration camp of our planet. Palestine.

Is Israel the tumor of our times? Do we have to act as doctors to free the world of this cancerous infection of becoming a complete necrosis of our modern society?

I do not care if the Jews have the monetary power to control all negative or truthful views of the average civilized citizen on our Planet.

Do you think that these people MUST stop using the Holocaust excuse as a cover to their crimes against humanity?

How long are we going to sit there watching them slaughtering innocent people at the drop of a hat?

Is this the right time for peace my friends?



I use the word "Jew" instead of "Israeli" simply because of the apathy of all the Jewish people around the world about this severe problem.

Their silence means "acceptance" to me.


Please my friends, try and not use insults in your answers.

@ Joseph. I am Swedish, and I believe that the jews have not even invented the wheel so far. They can't cope with the Katiusha WW1 missiles yet. So much for "advanced weaponry" my Jewish friend, LOL!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The British occupiers decreed the Palestinians(Arab Semitic White) should give the Jews(Semitic Whites closely related to the Arabs), displaced by the Nazis, half their land to make Israel.In 1936, several Jewish groups such as Etzel (Irgun) and Lehi (Stern Gang) conducted campaigns of violence against British military and Arab targets. This prompted the British government to label them both as terrorist organizations. The British and other countries armed , organized and assisted the Jewish terrorists(before 1948, that is what they were called), to overthrow the Palestinians. Quite literally, the Jews did to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to them-leave or die-there was NO payment-leave or die.This is STEALING, and, in many cases outright MURDER..The Israelis are still doing this in the West Bank and Gaza strips even though they conceded them to the Palestinians.So why do they remain, bulldozing houses, and many times, killing unarmed Palestinians and STEALING even more land for buffer zones-again, leave or die-NO payment-leave or die? Can you justify why the Israelis are doing this?Perhaps the British should suggest the Americans give half their land back to the American Indians-leave or die-Oh, wait, that is what they did to the Palestinians-bad move-I can guarantee, you would not give up half your land without a fight, even if the government could not protect you.The shoe is now on the other foot-the Palestinians want half of Jerusalem-now the Israelis refuse.If true Peace is to be achieved they must recognize each other's right to exist and to SHARE, not divide, JERUSALEM as a capital. At any rate, the Arab population, including in Israel, is growing much faster than the Jewish population.Within 30 years, maybe a little less, Israel will be a Jewish country with a majority Arab population-then what?

    EDIT: To the thumbs down, you only have to view the news-Israel is occupying and taking Palestinian land-it is NOT the other way around-again , this is exactly the scenario the Nazis used on the Jews-LEAVE OR DIE and that is what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians with buffer zones and new settlements-DENY THAT-you simply can not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nazism and Zionism draw their root beliefs from the same source: turn of the century German pan-nationalism. Herzl was just as influenced by it as Hitler and in fact was a far more active participant than Hitler. It should come as no surprise that the zionist state bears striking similarities to Nazism. The Ethnic State,ruled by a "master race". A supposed mystical connection between race and territory. The drive to expel those who are not of the alleged master race. The low regard for human life,except for the master race. It's all there. Substitute "Arab" for "Jew" and any Hitler speech could just as well have been written by Herzl. Or any other zionist. It is a vile and inhuman creed.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is little ideological difference between Zionism and National Socialism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, them Germans invented the Jet Engines, Nuclear power, tape recorders, laser beam, Long Range Subs, the Aspirin, Artificial petrol, aerosols, Wankel engines, but hey ....they did nothing to stop the Catiousha Russian made rockets, LOL!

    The jews invented ...Spies so they can steal all of out tec and sell it to the highest bidder. Like the Taiwanesians or the Russians.

    They also invented Communism. Marx was a jew Rabbi, right?

    Good question son, Thomas

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you John.

    I was one of these guys once remember?

    Sometimes I get to think of writing here of how Israel is in reality.

    I agree that this is not right.

    Something is wrong on that land.

    Maybe everything but you are true when you say treat most of the Jews there are trying to compete with the Nazis and this is a sad thing.

    Shalom! Xmas blessings every one!

  • KD
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Israel keeps on torturing millions of innocent souls....The count is not up to a million, although you wish it were to make your case.

    Palestine is firing rockets to various cities in Israel, sending off suicidie bombers, all for their greedy selves to obtain the entire state of Israel.

    "Sderot, less than a mile from Gaza, has borne the brunt of Palestinian rocket attacks since 2001, killing 13 people, wounding dozens, causing millions of dollars in damage, and disrupting daily life and ruining the economy. From mid-June 2007 to mid-February 2008, 771 rockets and 857 mortar bombs have been fired at Sderot and the western Negev, an average of three or four each a day.The city has been an ongoing target of Qassam rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip. In March 2008, the mayor said the population had declined by 10%-15% as families left the city in desperation (aid organizations say the figure is closer to 25%). Many of the families that remain cannot afford to move out or are unable to sell their homes."

    Research actual fact before spewing out anti semitic remarks about the millions of people Israel is killing.

    This is a DOUBLE SIDED WAR.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank God for people like you John.

    yes we are all interested to make them jews better people and we sure aint gonna "leave them alone" to kill whomever they want on Palestine.

    It is our duty as American people to protect the Palestinian folks from disaster.

    Dont you ever forget that them jews are the only responsible for these extreme Arab actions around the globe.

    Once "we have taken care" of the jews peace and prosperity will spread all over the world.



    Oh, yeah, these Lehmans and Goldmans are their bros, aint this right too?

    I say let's try and keep the jews out of NYSE for a change. Almost 250,000 Hard working American folks will not have a proper Christmas table set up because of these jew guys.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sympathy is with the Jewish people for their experience during the Holocaust. However, they should have learned from this experience that killing or starving thousands of innocent civilians when under attack does not justify it in any way. It makes them the new Nazis.

    On the other hand, the people sending rockets to Israel are also killing civilians! I don't know if there is ever an end to this. The leaders may be willing to have peace but some of those below keeps on igniting the hatred against each other.

  • BMCR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ah yes. How nice of you to finally be honest and use the word "Jew" instead of "Zionist" or "Israeli" when you say things like "we have to do something about these people" refer to them as a "cancerous infection" and talk about "their crimes against humanity".

    You know the type of people who employ such terminology. As time goes on, its going to be even more difficult for you to deny such an obvious connection, your Swedish-ness and profession for "peace" notwithstanding.

    And with that note, I'd like to show you a scene from the so-labeled "concentration camp".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are "The Good Guys" and we are here to teach all jews of how to behave like human beings.

    We don't hate them

    We just want them to stop killing innocent children, pregnant mommies and stealing homes from the palestinians.

    Oh, yes and open that Concentration camp and free 1.5 million of innocent inmates.

    bye bye

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