If I posted an event on facebook, how can I invite people who are not on my friend list?

I want to "invite" people to an event that I created on facebook that are not on my friend list. I want to do this because I am trying to spread the word for a local festival, and I want to invite people I know would like to go that live in town (ie, people on some of my friends' friend lists) but who I don't know well enough to be "friends" with. But it will only let me invite people on my friend list, how do I invite other people? Thanks

Lost It2009-09-29T00:12:33Z

Favorite Answer

you can ask your friends to invite them.
your not the only one that can invite people to your event.
So if your friends invite them then they will be able to look at your event that you posted on facebook


either ask your friends to share the event or post it to your wall. if your settings are such that friends of your friends can see your full profile they should be able to see the event on your wall


You can't, sorry!