afamily judging adoptees....?

how can members of an afamily justify judging and shunning a child on the reasoning that they are adopted? the adoptee didnt make that choice, they didnt chose to be adopted, that decision was taken from them. how can other members of their afamily blame them for choices they had no say in?


im not talking aparents. more like grandparents/cousins/aunts/uncles. ones that had no direct link to the decision to adopt


Favorite Answer

They justify it as many families have done, since the beginning of time. Adoptees are not "blood". Is it fair? No. Is it cruel? Yes. But not everyone accepts as stranger's child as family.

I guess I could ask my adoptive father's mother, but she is dead now. She made it perfectly clear that my brother (also adopted) were not her "real" grandchildren. That happens more than people like to admit.

Blood ties, genetics, DNA are very important. Look up any royal family....they MUST have "royal" blood to be considered part of a royal dynasty. Bastards need not apply.


Not everyone in full bio families accept each other. One half of my husbands family bicker and fight and back stab each other and none of them are adopted. Fortunately my kids will have very little to do with that lot. And his parents only see them at family functions.

Lucky my kids are loved and adored by their afamily on both sides. My dad loved my daughter so much, he died waiting for her to come and visit last Christmas. To him she's was the most precious little girl the whole world, they had a special connection. She spent months looking for him everytime we visited my mother after his death. (Seh found a photoframe with his picture and carried around teh house, handing to it Grandma with sad eyes.) Asking for him, and not understanding why he was no longer there. (he died suddenly, heart attack Christmas eve.) My mum adores both my kids through adoption, their her "little angels" My DH's parents call me during the day just to talk their beautiful grand daughters. And their older teenage cousins go out of their way to spent timw with them when they see them. They're loved by all of us. I hope in years to come they feel it too and see they're loved.

Tad W2009-10-04T02:53:20Z

Bigotry and prejudice are rarely logically justifiable. But the mind of a bigot can rationalize anything.


I'd have agree with the above answerers, but can't add any more to the answers as it's not something I've had to face.


Because they're ignorant petty little people