---Privacy on wall?---?

Ok, I would like to know how do you set up your profile so that you have some person in your friends but when he/she visits your profile, it doesn't show anything, it just says: ''person only shares certain information with everyone'' or something like that.
Also, can you delete like multiple posts on your wall? To delete, like, everything on from specific date, or to choose in one turn everything you want to delete? I would really like to clear my wall, to delete many posts from my wall, but to save, I don't know, like two or three posts from my friends.


Favorite Answer

You can change the Privacy Settings of your Facebook to select which friends you want to share your info with. (Click to Settings, Privacy)

As for deleting multiple posts, I don't think this is currently possible.
You have to browse-and-click through posts, I guess.