Guess what the 12 countries ranked above the USA all have in common?

The twelve countries ranked above the USA by UN as best countries to live in all have govt sponsored healthcare. A coincidence...somehow I doubt it. SO let's hear it from the radicals about why most of Europe, Australia and Japan all rank higher than we do in life expectancy, literacy, gross domestic product and schooling....Its that dreaded ...socialism at work.........


To Micheal obviously did not read the article I linked. The survey was done by the UN and was based on life expetancy rates, GDP, literacy rates and school performance.......It was not a popularity poll...just facts based on observable, research based data.


Favorite Answer

People in America have been taught all their lives that socialism = communism . The countries you talk about have gotten past that nonsense.


Yes, but it doesn't cover everything e.g. good dental care. On the other hand, it is good because one doesn't pay for doctor appointments, but we as tax payers still pay each month and all citizens are obligated to have medical insurance.

I think the reason e.g. Germany is a great place to live is because people in general abide by the rules and so make life for us all better.

Michael B2009-10-06T09:53:11Z

The survey you refer to worked by drawing up a list of desiderata, then counting up the brownie-points each country earned by meeting each criterion.

If the list includes publicly-funded health care as a highly desirable thing, it's no wonder that those countries which have it rank highly. The table is merely a self-fulfilling prophecy. Other lists, equally plausible, would be possible. I could draw up a list which would guarantee N. Korea or Cuba #1 rating.

A more interesting league table would be produced by counting how many people want to move into/out of each country - what Lenin called "voting with one's feet." This has the benefit of an operational test. People are in general the best judge of their own happiness; if their choices are counted, we can easily see which countries lead the table.


socialism = socialism.

The fascist, totalitarian, Stalinist brand of socialism that Barack Obama is selling doesn't equal just socialism...if it did we would better off.


Capitalism isn't working.....