What drug could this be?

The other night my cousin (whose 26) woke me up in the middle of the night acting CRAZY! He said the police were surrounding my house (when I checked no one was there) and he couldn't stand up straight and he was slurring his speech. He then proceeded to take off all of his clothes and run around the house. His moods were changing dramatically - he would be angry and then he would be crying. His pupils were extremely dilated. Also, he said his heart was racing. He claims that he didn't take any drugs. He said he drank rum, but I've seen him drunk and that's not how he acts and he didn't smell of liquor. Please help! I need to know what he was on because I want him out of my house if he is doing this crap.


it was not pot - i know that for sure.


Favorite Answer

I would guess LSD, because of the mood swings, hallucinations, and the racing heart. He was definitely on something other than rum.


If his eyes were bloodshot then he was high, im not an expert, that's as much as i know, so look up symptoms online

Deb M2009-10-22T02:47:15Z

LSD, it makes you huliciant. it makes you happy and sad.


Possible ecstacy

