What are you doing to prepare for the H1-N1 season?

I am stocking up on such things as pain relievers, hand sanitizer, cough medicine, etc... before the flu hits hard and the stores are sold out of everything. What are you doing?


Favorite Answer

Getting vaccinated ASAP


I'm doing nothing because I already had swine flu about a month ago during the massive outbreak of it at WSU (I'm a student). It really wasn't that bad. I have asthma, I'm in the vunerable age group, was around people with it, and I just dealt with it. It wasn;t really much worse than a cold, but maybe I just got lucky.


Swine flu, which is an infectious disease, this article gives benefits of hand sanitizing and the basic safety tips to stay healthy from swine Flu:


I was taught by my parents, teachers, and employers to wash my hands frequently. This is a practice that I have taught my sons, too. However, my best form of preventive medicine is prayer. And I prefer to be rational.



I try to tell myself to wash my hands, eat, and sleep more but that never happens. I get the flu at least once every winter but I'm not giving into this whole media pandemic panic.

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