can you ovulate if your hc levels havent went back to zero yet?

Just asking if anyone has heard you can. My body was messed up and i was ovulatin and havin two periods a month on fermera . Stop takin in Auust ot prenant sept, and miscaaried, I startd my period yesterday which is only a couple days late. Will i ovulate this month, my hcg is still at 273. thanks


I meant Hcg levels havent went back down can you ovulate if you get your period even thouh didnt o back to zero. I have miscarried, and just waitin for levels to o back down. Nothin in my uterus

Noelia B. Ross2009-11-07T00:05:40Z

Favorite Answer

I dont think so. The same thing happened to me 5 months ago, and it took about 10 weeks and one period for my levels to go back to zero, and once that happened i finally started ovulating again.

But then again iv heard of women who get preg right after having a miscarriage without ever even having a period.