Why do so many Americans fail to see the acceptance of Spanish as a second language as a gift for their kids?

Never has being bilingual hurt anybody. In fact, it is a gift. Why do so many Americans ignore the obvious benefits of bilingualism in favor of the argument that English will somehow lose out?


Josh, I don't disagree, but bilingualism means speaking both. If Americans spoke English AND Spanish, they'd have an advantage. As it is now, the Spanish speaking people (mostly latinos, not Americans) who also speak English have the advantage.


Dude: the obvious choice is Spanish because it's the most commonly spoken language in the US besides English. Also, if Americans want to travel into central and south america, they'd have an advantage being fluent in Spanish.


Lily K: that's exaclty my point. Why do you see it as ''catering to'' another country or ethnic group? It is a serious advantage to speak two languages fluently, and America is squadering a huge opportunity because people see it the way you do. It would be so easy to grow up bilingual in the US given the number of spanish speaking people there and the bordering country.

Cheers everyone for he answers.


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I have no idea. I wish I grew up speaking both English and Spanish though. I'm taking Spanish this Winter though as my second language! :)


It doesn't has hurt anyone to be bilingual. But for ABCs(American Born Chinese), who families main spoken Chinese is Cantonese, they want then learn Mandarin. Because they see it the future is doing business with China and their job might need people who know Mandarin. Even when kids, who are part Chinese part Caucasian or part French Canadian, the grandparent from the the Chinese side want them to learn Mandarin or hope that will happen. Even when the spoken language Cantonese. Even Steve Wynn he has learn to speak Mandarin, but I wonder why not also Cantonese. Because in Hong Kong, people speak Cantonese with each other at home, out shopping, eating out, at work(unless meeting some from the mainland or Taiwan) and in school. Even Hong Kong movies are still made in Cantonese.

I have also heard this before where it was say why don't you learn are language when doing business with us, why do we have to learn yours. Meaning why does it have to be English, so if a company doing business in France, why you don't they speak Franch, why do we have to speak English. It the same if a U.S. company was do business in Germany, Italy or Holland. It more of why do English has to be the main language in doing business in other countries, and not people learning the country's language. That is which ever country or countries the company they work for is doing business with in this world.


In Europe, where countries are as close together as our US states, it is practical for children to learn many languages. However, it is never suggested that someone from, say, Italy, who moves to France, should continue to speak Italian and not French, expecting the native French to adapt to his Italian heritage by learning Italian. I think here in the USA that children should learn French and Spanish, just as they learn Math and Science, because it is helpful for travel and it broadens the mind to learn. Private schools nearly always teach at least one foreign language as part of the curriculum. But the USA is an English-speaking nation. I do not think we should decide to cater to any ethnic group and expect that everyone should speak any language INSTEAD of English, and that seems to be the mindset of many Spanish-speaking people.


Not a thing wrong with being bilingual and our children learning a second language. But,the fact that Spanish is forced upon our children is wrong. If my child wants to learn a second language,it should be his choice which one it is.
The fact is,those coming to our country are supposed to learn the language of this country. It shouldn't be forced upon anyone to learn the language of those immigrating here.


Why Spanish? The two countries on the rise on the world stage are China and India. It will be more helpful for them to learn Mandarin Chinese or Hindi in order for them to compete economically on the world stage.

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