Given the recent events, shouldn't guns be restricted to women only?

Since historical facts show us that, regardless of ethnicity, religious affliation, age or citizenship, 99% of all mass shooters are men. Shouldn't we restrict all access to guns to women only?


Edit: Actually it is ironic not sexist.

Jimmy C2009-11-07T13:05:58Z

Favorite Answer

That is a very logical question and a good point. That would solve a lot of problems. I agree with you. You may have to wait until there is a woman president though.


the united statesis so riddled with weapons it won't be counted what regulations are put in place. I reckon weapons could desire to be limited to individuals of shooting golf equipment and farmers with a valid enable. Even then, in basic terms to the form or calibre for the sport and bolt action searching rifles.... the actual incontrovertible fact that any under pressure suburban Joe can legally purchase some thing able to unloading 800+ rounds consistent with minute is comical to assert the least.


that's like saying that only asian people should be legally allowed to commit murder since 80% of killers are black/white.

its sexist.