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mc93433 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Given recent events, shouldn't we restrict gun usage to women only?

I mean if you have to chose a common factor in all these shootings....

Historical facts show us that, regardless of ethnicity, religious affliation, age or citizenship, 99.9% of all mass shooters are men. Shouldn't we restrict all access to guns to women only?

Statistics seem to point to women valuing life more than men.


Edit: I only asked this question to point out how easy it is to latch on to one specific factor ( like religion, or gender) and attribute negative traits it to all who share this one factor..

Although, without a doubt 99.9% of ALL these shooters have been male..That is historical fact.....just google "US mass shootings"

Update 2:

You can name 2 girls who have participated in mass shootings, and history can give you HUNDREDS committed by do you deny the validity of that?

Update 3:

you haven't YET...Tiny Dan..not yet...

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Men are more aggressive and have more need to posture than women.

    Women fight over different things - like Miss England fighting over a man in a Nightclub. Good job she didnt have a gun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The U.S is so riddled with guns it won't matter what restrictions are put in place.

    I reckon guns should be restricted to members of shooting clubs and farmers with a valid permit. Even then, only to the type or calibre for the sport and bolt action hunting rifles.... The fact that any stressed out suburban Joe can legally buy something capable of unloading 800+ rounds per minute is comical to say the least.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not necessary.

    Man can protect woman. if man got guns, she would be much safer. ( see the film Body Guard)

    Perhaps, you should say let only law enforcement to have guns. However, when terrorists or armed robbery outbroken, everyone can defense this/herself if he / she got guns and know how to use it.

    The recent gun shooting in Texas was ended by a Woman Police Officer and she was a good guner or marksman . The tactic which she used was from a Police Officer in 60s. During 60s or 70s, there was a gun shooting in Texas University. A gun man was shooting student with riffle from a clock tower. At that time, a police officer ran to the back of the clock tower so that the gun man didn't see him and he managed to get to the back of the gun man and shothim with his 0.38 revolver. to end that tragedy.

    Gun is neutral as every technology. Only the user determine how to use it and for what goals.

  • 1 decade ago

    even though your facts may be right, the idea is rididculous. how many of those 99.9% of men got their guns legally? my point is that even IF we could do something so obviously biased, anybody who wants a gun can still get one. one of the reasons most mass shooters are men is because men are naturally more agressive than women, guns to men are like shoes and jewelry to women. they are toys in the eyes of a lot of men, especially the ones with more aggression. even if guns were banned by all citizens with no exceptions, i promise you that people would find a way to get them. they find a way to get drugs and other illegal items. the real problem is underlying agression that either goes unnoticed and untreated or is chalked up to boys being boys and then one day it escalates out of control

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  • 1 decade ago

    No because then, there would be mass shootings every 30 days.

    All jokes aside

    The biggest and worst serial killer ever was not a man, but a woman.

    Countess Elizabeth Báthory AKA Blood Countess is known to have tortured and murdered over 600 young women and girls in her castle over a period of two years before she was arrested and convicted.

  • 1 decade ago

    haha, funny question....but no that is an absurd thing to say. You can make statistics say anything. I could say that 99.9% of all mass shooters are men because women suck at aiming their guns. But of course what I said would be considered sexist where as what you are saying is considered enlightened. People are ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats ridiculous. First off, how on earth do you plan on restricting gun use? Do you honestly think that anyone who is planning on going suicidal and shooting up a building full of people is gonna give a hoot if they are breaking some gun law?

    Another thing, did you know that one of the first mass school shootings was actually done by a GIRL?

    A group called the Boomtown Rats even wrote a song about it:

  • 1 decade ago

    All I have to say is that I do not think this will ever be possible because you would be taking the right to bear arms from the constitution. I also do not think that anyone wanting to do a mass shooting would care if they had rights or not. This would be useless and be plain rude to innocent people.

  • GeneL
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Aileen Wuornos restricted herself to using guns when she went on her spree becoming the first female serial killer...

    so, you'd certainly have her vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is actually a good idea. Women have every right to defend themselves. They should stand up for themselves, defend and protect themselves and speak up for themselves. It should be restricted to women.

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