In your own words: What is Fascism?

I am just curious what idea it is that people have when they say it.

Copying from wikipedia is cheating and misses the point. I would like to know what people think it is, what they think of when they say it.

What is Fascism to you?

Bonus Question:
What makes a person Fascist?


Favorite Answer

One party controlling all important aspects of government within a nation. Communism (in the forms it has actually existed in the world) should be lumped in with Fascism, and both should be placed firmly on the left where they belong. Calling fascists the extreme right is ridiculous, fascists are the extreme left and anarchists are the extreme right.

The Right (conservatives) believe in the government using power conservatively, the Left (liberals) believe in using power liberally. That's where the terms come from.


Socialism includes the government taking on some or all of the possibility of production - mutually with France nationalizing their motor vehicle industry and airways (although they have because privatized them returned into agencies) - and it ain't utilising taxes to grant a secure practices internet! Communism is a central authority that centrally plans and controls the total economic gadget and owns each thing. Fascism is a central authority that tightly controls the popular public, information, and blocks political opposition. The use oppression to administration the persons. they are normally nationalists and often racists.


* Fascism *

- Violation of liberty

- Violation of liberties

- Single party systems

- A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator , stringent socioeconomic controls , suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship , and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism

- A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government

- Oppressive , dictatorial control

This is usually attributed to big government control
Whether it is liberal or conservative government is irrelevant

Different agendas
Same methods

Many on the left or the right can be fascists or anarchists
Too much government or no government

Both too much


i was a kid and remeber seeing "a quiet storm" and othe circa 1940's movies about nazis-.
then i begin to see a sort of fascist attitude in america... i'm a curious sort, lets probe this new internet thing..
i've been led to prescott bushes nazi connection-operation paperclip. hapsburgh shipping lines- ibm providing the data entry equipment at the concentration camps- the germans didnt like coke so they provided the orange drink ,fanta...
bush the 1st declaration of " a new world order"
qoute from hg wells " many will come to hate the new world order and will die fighting it" 1940.
when fascism comes to america ,it will be draped in the flag and clutching a cross" sincliar lewis.
now instead of "der Fatherland " we have "der Homeland"
camps are ready via fema and the 385 million deal with cheneys halliburton.
nspd 51 and hs 20 will enact martial law.
this is fascism to me, the present state of " america"
in a quiet storm.

Dustin S2009-11-07T23:36:37Z

Fascism is control without the appearance of control. Fascism is taking what is not yours and using it how you please. And Fascism is usurping the will of the people. Much like WW2 Germany Fascism says you are free but you in fact are no different from those who are forced to their knees to worship at the alter of the all powerful state. the difference Fascism often gives the illusion of control by the people, but in practice there is none.

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