How long does it take to grow a condom?

Hey i just turned 13 and feel i am old enough to have sex. But everyone keeps saying you got to have a condom i keep looking down and my weewee looks the same. How long does it normally take to grow a condom?


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You can usually grow a condom in about 3 weeks, but you have to eat a lot of vegetables and drink milk. If you do that then you will see the start of a condom in a few days


A very good question young man, a condom is part of the male genitalia It will start growing once the penis is fully formed, It varies from person to person but the normal range is 15-18 depending on your genes your condom will be a different color (*the most common being brown*) It will take up to a month to form once this is done you are ready for intercourse. *ADDITIONAL INFORMATION* - If your don't see the start of a condom growing once your 18 you may have genetic disorder in which the condom doesn't form naturally, there is an operation which can be preformed in which the plaster a synthetic condom over the tip of your penis (*you will need to get is changed once a month*). - It isn't rare that an infection might occur while the condom is growing, if this happens contact a doctor immediately before irreversible damage is done. I hope you find this little article helpful :)


Well you can normally grow a condom without planting a seed all you have to do is take plenty of vitamins and eat all your dinner up and you'll grow one big and strong like mine ;) plus you have to be 16-18 to have sex


My Condom


Oh god,your now 19 and still wondering,HOW DO I GROW A CONDOM?

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