Is it bad form to criticize the consumer economy at a time of economic difficulty?
heads fattened eyes glazed honey sweetened dripping stunned by the baton of gimme, the herd of consumers is led onebyonebyoneby hoisted feet-first in Madison Avenue chains, gutted green-splattered frenzy into the mawl* of Insatiable Commerce.
ground round, and round and round on the corporate calliope carousel grill.
*mawl (a coined word) = maw + mall (somehow I don't it will do as well as 'chortle')
heheh (i thought was another put down of me and my form structure poetry...) releaved to find a poem. and an original one in a new topic. cool. =)
The herd of consumers, like startled cattled , go where led when panic indicators used deliberatly say panic, and all-is-calm soothing wrist-pats offer false security. Consumer responsibility to look beneath the facts to find the truth. neat poem !
Wow... reading that I got some fairly gross images in my head, but obviously that's the intention and those metaphors work really well. I can identify with what you mean, I've never appreciated the consumer culture as much as others I know.
A title... maybe "Mass Exchanges, Cyclic Commodities"