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Socrates asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 1 decade ago

Is it bad form to criticize the consumer economy at a time of economic difficulty?


heads fattened

eyes glazed honey

sweetened dripping

stunned by the baton

of gimme, the herd of

consumers is led


hoisted feet-first in

Madison Avenue chains,

gutted green-splattered

frenzy into the mawl*

of Insatiable Commerce.

ground round,

and round and round

on the corporate

calliope carousel


*mawl (a coined word) = maw + mall

(somehow I don't it will do as well as 'chortle')

Can you suggest a better title?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer






  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You wrote (oxymoron not)

    what I have been thinking


    for like,

    well days.

    Newspapers here show

    really large and extra plus-sized

    people in the expanse of YOU és Aye

    gearing up to shake

    pocket linings for

    a shiiit-load or worthless crap,

    simply because PR

    say's it's ... (politically correct)


    My 33 spins


    white album


    you can be my baby

    even if

    you're black or


    tee hee, omg, jk....

    some of my best friends

    are soccer players.



  • Mizzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hows about

    A Serve Us Society

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    heheh (i thought was another put down of me and my form structure poetry...)

    releaved to find a poem. and an original one in a new topic. cool. =)

    The herd of consumers, like startled cattled , go where led when panic indicators used deliberatly say panic, and all-is-calm soothing wrist-pats offer false security. Consumer responsibility to look beneath the facts to find the truth. neat poem !

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  • Wow... reading that I got some fairly gross images in my head, but obviously that's the intention and those metaphors work really well. I can identify with what you mean, I've never appreciated the consumer culture as much as others I know.

    A title... maybe "Mass Exchanges, Cyclic Commodities"

    Source(s): This reminds me of a poem called Vultures by Chinua Achebe - although it is on a different topic, the format and language used is similar:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    and it's one, two, three

    what are we fighting for....oh, sorry...wrong war

    I want it all

    and I want it now

    and I want a tanker of diesel

    and a match, please

    my late brother once said...

    let it go, man...all of it

    it's weighing you down

    materialistic images of a life you never lived, man (he said man a lot)

    Katrina granted me his wishes...

    I don't shop often these days, but when I do....I think of how much I won't miss it, when it's gone

    thanks for the word

    EDIT: oh, the title..."Honey Glazed Fat Eyes"

  • 1 decade ago

    Consumerism is how the masses invest

    it is not that system that fails

    so much as how we fail the system

    "if it aint fixed, break it!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's like diving into a pool of metamorphosed lies.

  • jenny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Good ! pen

    goodness needed, not goods.

    needs are needed, not wants!

    "Waste not, want not."

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