Global warming deniers are absolutely convinced (or say they are) that there is a scientific conspiracy aimed at pushing global warming on the world for nefarious purposes. Certainly there have been individual scientists and labs who have faked their data - a fraud gets exposed every decade or so. These cases typically get exposed when no other lab can duplicate the fraudulent results. My question is has there EVER been a case where fraud involved a conspiracy larger than an individual lab? And would anyone care to compare this with the incidence of fraudulent conspiracies in the political field?
Didier Saying "funded by the government" lumps too much into one category.The Office of Naval Research funds a large portion of oceanographic research in the U.S. Serving Naval officers and civilians, in separate funding paths, are doing research which provide a huge amount of data for global warming. Is the U.S. Navy part of this global liberal conspiracy?
Crazycon One reason that DDT-saturated mosquito nets are a very successful part of malaria control today is that public health researchers and tropical disease specialists warned that DDT would be useless within 5 years if widespread spraying wasn't stopped - and the legislature listened.
I've seen no evidence for a "scientific conspiracy" involving dozens, nevermind thousands.
Weise Ente2009-11-23T17:46:05Z
Favorite Answer
Has there ever been a vast conspiracy of scientists to promote any idea contradicted by evidence?
Nope. Given how prone scientists are to petty squabbles I don't think it could be maintained for very long anyway.
However, there are numerous that claim they have. Moon hoaxers, anti-vaccinationists, creationists, alternative medicine supporters, flat earthers, global warming deniers, ect. All beliefs require an iron clad conspiracy of several hundred thousands to hundreds of millions of scientists over long periods of time.
Edit: Virtually all labs are funded by the government. Seriously, who do people think pays for science?
What it would require for anthropogenic global warming (AGW) to be a scientific conspiracy would be tens of thousands of climate scientists all working to falsify data. Not only that, but the 'skeptical' climate scientists like Roy Spencer and Richard Lindzen would also have to be somehow in cahoots, unwilling to expose this massive hoax.
Never in the history of the world, let alone science, has there been a fraud of this magnitude. It's simply ludicrous that so many people actually believe this fantasy is reality. It's perhaps even more ludicrous that they think a few quote-mined stolen emails taken out of context actually prove this conspiracy theory. It's like claiming that if I say "I'm going to kill that guy" it proves that I'm a mass murderer.
Gwens does provide one good example though - there were quite a few scientists (who were coincidentally paid by tobacco companies) who claimed smoking didn't cause lung cancer. Some of them now claim humans aren't causing global warming, coincidentally.
Well AGW in its entirety was a liberal scam to take full control of the world ignoring real science even though anybody with a working thermometer anywhere in the world knew the world was cooling into the next ice age. I have been researching this for more than 20 years now and our current climate this year has cooled down to where it was in 1918 towards the end of WWI. So scientifically AGW is probably the most anti scientific political power grab scams ever invented and promoted by liberal thieves and scoundrels. It will be very interesting over the next few years as the world cools down and it becomes obvious even to the dumbest liberals that we are heading full bore into an ice age and that the reason we do not have solar power satellites and farming satellites is because their leader David Rockefeller with the help of Carter and Clinton stole all the money. The next few years as the big shot liberals get brought up on charges, convicted and hung is going to be the most enjoyable of my almost 70 years of living.
Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it. Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously
All frauds commited by people. And the original theory may have benn posed by one person or a small group, but their followers pick up the chant and soon the general public believes it.
I would recommend the book, "Yes, But is it true" for those would would like to learn more.