help with an ex girlfriend?

my girl friend broek up with me about 6 months ago. she was my "first love" im 18 and we were engaged( i know we are young dont harp on that) and i still love her nad im still in as much painas when she left me i have dreams about her sometimes its ruined possible relationships with other girls because i just cant get over her and now we dont talk anymore she hates me but i still cant get over her. what should i do


and she has a bf now.

Bonnie Ward2009-11-25T19:20:09Z

Favorite Answer

Move on. It's hard and horrible but that's what you have to do if she won't love you again. Go out gradually and have fun with friends and try like hell not to think about her. Or, have a crying spree at home, write poetry or an angry letter (DON'T give it to her) and tear them up. Give back the stuff she gave you and take down the photos you have. You can't move on if someone is still all around you.


try looking at it this way...eventhough she broke up with you there is still going to be a girl out there who wants to be with you just as much if not more that she did at one point in time...dont spend your time stressing out over not having her and just spend your time looking for something better to come along. i know it might be hard but eventually you will find someone...i have and ex who i thought was the one for me we dated for a few months and things got weird between us like he never wanted to spend any time with me and towards the end he would barely talk to me he broke up with me and joined the army and i am now with someone who is actually good to me who listens and wants to be with me...sometimes when you think you found the right one someone else comes along who is 100 times better


rent a place then get some strung lights and some flowers and make sure she meets you there thats the true key to a girls heart ! :D


What did you do to make her mad at you.Try to fix the problem if she do sent come back move on.