Californians - Will you support the 2010 California Marriage Protection Act ?

There is a movement underway to further strengthen the safeguards of "traditional" marriage in California!


I'm getting a great picture of how many here actually know what they're talking about, or even bothered to learn anything at all about the topic before answering. :)


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I'm not a Californian but I would support it if I were.

It would help strengthen the sanctity of marriage by making divorce illegal.

It's funny to me when people claim they want the sanctity of marriage to be kept strong so they prevent homosexuals from marrying each other but when it comes time to strengthen their own marriages they want to be able to have a way out.


California Marriage Protection Act





Marriage belongs in the church, domestic partnerships for everyone and if you want to add religion then get married in a church.

There is nothing wrong with being gay or letting gay people get married. Why people feel they have the right to change something that goes on in the privacy of someones own home is beyond me.

Some people are different. As long as they aren't hurting anyone in the process then who cares?



No, I don't support the "prevent couples from getting married" act.

If all the wing-nuts' marriages can be destroyed by the existence of other people being married, their marriages were nothing worth saving.

What, exactly, would this act do, since the '08 election already prevents people from getting married, just because some sub-humans hate them?

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