When should I have my next....?

Had a postive pregnancy test in oct 25, miscarried gith after. I was normally due for my period on Oct 29 had a period, wel then the middle of nov thought i was gonna have another period. I spotted for one day only... I was on fermera for two months and stopping taking in August. With fermma I was having two periods a month. I dont know when I got pregnant than. SO I am unsure if im late now cause my period still has came. My levels were back down to 0 about a week ago. Can you conieve if my levels werent down back from zero. I dont know what to tthink. I have askk my doctor and she has said to wait to middle of month to see if period comes. So anyone know any answers, all will help. I am so confused no smart answers. thanks


I bleed for a week from like October 17 than stopped a couple days than i had a period lasted 5 days, than I spotted one day middle of novmember...


Favorite Answer

I had a miscarriage in Oct. too and I read that your new cycle doesn't start until your HCG level reaches 0. I had my positive test on the 25th too and started bleeding the 27th. I haven't had any blood since.....but two neg. tests this past week..so who knows. I think until you have a normal period it's impossible to tell where you are in your cycle. You'll just have to wait for a period or wait for some pregnancy symptoms! Try a dollar store test now, if it's neg. try again in a week if AF still doesn't show. Good luck!