Do congress members pay a copay on prescription drugs they get through "Cadillac" health care we provide them?

Since there currently is a big debate over whether American citizens should have some form of universal health care subsidized by the government and ultimately by all American taxpayers, do congress men and women pay any copay when they pick up their prescriptions? You know, like the rest of American taxpayers that have some form of drug coverage.

Blue Haired Old Lady2009-12-08T06:36:09Z

Favorite Answer

I am sure our Representatives have the best coverage available and certainly have prescription drug coverage (really - they are bunch of old guys - of course they have prescription drug coverage). I don't know if they have a co-pay - I would suspect they DO NOT.

Philip H2009-12-08T06:43:33Z

According to a report I saw on network TV, Congressmen must pay $500 per year. That is all they pay. They have a medical office in the Capital building and if a specialist is needed, one is obtained and sent to the Capital office or, if circumstances demand more, transportation is provided. All of that at no additional cost.
Not all Congressmen subscribe to the service because they want their own private physician, even though the ones in the Capital building are some of the nation's best. They get to have choice if they want to pay extra.
Will you get such services and options?