Proposed Amendment #28 to the US Constitution? What do you think?

Along with term limits this might clean up congress?

"Congress shall make no law that applies to any citizen of the United States that does not apply equally to all US Senators and Representatives. Congress shall make no law that applies to any US Senator or Representative that does not apply equally to all citizens of the United States. All existing laws and regulations that do not meet these criteria shall be declared null and void!"


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works for me

our Senators and Representatives don't have to contribute to the Social Security General Fund by paying FICA taxes - instead, they have one of the best retirement packages on Earth.
They won't have to take part in Obamacare if/when it passes.
They can commit slander and libel as long as it happens in the halls of Congress.
Under the franking privilege, they have free bulk mail to promote themselves to their suck, er, constituents.
That's all my oxygen-deprived brain can think of off hand after shoveling an inch of global warming off of my driveway and sidewalk... no... I misspoke.
They can also take "fact-finding tours" on other people's money. We can't.


The 28th amendement does not exist. There are 27 amendements in the U.S Constitution. I happen to be taking a political science course right now for summer class in college and just the amendements section of the text. Why would you ask a question and then answer it yourself? You didn't even give people a chance to figure it out or answer or debate.


The term limits are definitely needed for congress and I like the idea of the 28th Amendment! Congress is voting themselves and their families the best of everything while the rest of us have to struggle for a fraction of their entitlements!


Yes...and no.

Term limits shouldn't ever be imposed. If we are to be a nation that prides itself on the liberty of it's people, we need to let people vote for whomever they like - no matter how many times they do so.

As far as the rest of it, I can get on board with it.

However...what laws and regulations are in affect right now that DON'T apply to Congress?

Truth Hurts2009-12-09T13:13:37Z

I like the amendment.

I also agree with the idea that politics has become so volatile, and since our government can swing so dramatically every 2-4 years, we need to be *very* careful with tinkering with the Constitution.

Our opponents could follow up with a series of amendments that could be not only damaging, but devastating.

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