Update to disturbing pitbull video post!?
This is LONG, but bare with me..
Heres a link to my previous post:
Well I was glad to see checking my mail on YouTube, the owner, wrote me back!.So i thought i would share with those who followed my previous post, what this owner had to say.. So this is what she emailed me, and i quote:
"Oh and the self righteous idiots come out of the woodwork. First, my child was NOT asked to pet our dog. She did it on her own, and was in fact told NOT to touch him. Yes, we are horrible pit bull owners. Which is why instead of letting him be euthanized because his previous owners didn't want to pay for his treatment when they found out he had parvo we rescued him, paid for his treatment and nursed him back to health. Why was he in an aggressive state? Because our FEMALE was trying to be dominate and was mounting him. If you paid enough attention to the video and knew about dog behavior and demeanor, you'd know that's not something MALES take too kindly to. If anything we did while PLAYING with our dog would turn him into the horror stories on TV, he would have bit my husband in the face right then and there. However, we are VERY GOOD owners which is why HE DID NOT bite, nip, or snarl AT my husband. Nor has he EVER bit another human, or animal. He has a wonderful temperament which is demonstrated.
Thank you, asshole."
"lol more and more ignorance. The female dog was mounting him, to CONTROL this uncomfortable situation, she sensed the pit was in an unhealthy state (fueled by your idiot husband, mind you) which only made your pit that much more angered, by the situation..You obviously dont know anything about proper dog owners ship, especially of this type of dog. I suggest your next google search be: "How to prevent a dog bite", or "how to properly care for your dog." You know why your angry, because the majority of us who have seen your husband tease your dog, and bully your dog, have just called you out. Im a very proud pitbull owner, i know the requirments of this breed, and most of all I HAVE COMMON SENSE. Anyone that teases a dog, lacks common sense, and has got another thing commin to them!, but boy, ill tell you, your husband WILL be another victim of a pitbull attack, rightfully so, and unfortunately your dog will suffer. You know what happens to the bullied kids at school? They get fed up.
The OWNER second email to me:
Idiot, idiot, idiot. Do you let your dogs RULE YOU? NO! Because THAT is when they get overly aggressive and bite and attack people. Dogs who KNOW they are not the Alpha, and KNOW they are to do the listening are well behaved and even tempered. But I guess you didn't know that. Maybe you should take an obedience class, or other canine education class...like WE DO. Oh and yes. He's so bullied. All those kisses and hugs and belly rubs...wow. We suck.
"NO i do not let my dogs rule me, *I* am their leader, they respect me, they submit to me, without me having to lay a finger on them. My prescence alone, makes my own dogs, including my pitbull know who the boss is. I would NEVER tease my dogs, or any dog at that, you know why? It aint good KARMA. I probably have the most well behaved pack of dogs in my area, no joke, And MY pitbull? Boy, hes definitley a good example of his breed, thanks to *MUAH*
I truly have nothing to prove to you, YOU posted the disturbing video, so YOUVE had some expaining todo, and My goodness your in denial.. Being a female, at my young age, i find myself amazed at the immaturity i come across.
Pretty sad."
And last extra email *I* sent the owner:
"Without attacking YOU, i thought i would point out the exact times, what YOU say didnt happen, happened.
Literally from 0:00 to the end of the video, your dog is growling, snarling, warning. Through out the video, your husband clearly teases your dog, frustrates your dog, bullies your dog.
At 0:20, and 0:29, your dog tries to nip your husband.
At 1:07 your husband says "pet em" to your child which she does, then he says "Dont be afraid, Dont show fear" and again "pet em." Your child is at that time being encouraged, to pet a dog showing obvious signs of aggression, basically your husband, is allowing, encouraging your child to nurture this dogs, unhealthy state of mind..
up till 2:25 your husband continues to tease this dog, and at this exact moment, slaps him across the face while tugging the unicorn stuffed animal...
And again, coninuous teasing till the end..
Its all the facts.. enjoy.
Legit- Is there a particular person your dog doesnt like?