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Update to disturbing pitbull video post!?

This is LONG, but bare with me..

Heres a link to my previous post:;_ylt=AqVZD...

Well I was glad to see checking my mail on YouTube, the owner, wrote me back!.So i thought i would share with those who followed my previous post, what this owner had to say.. So this is what she emailed me, and i quote:

"Oh and the self righteous idiots come out of the woodwork. First, my child was NOT asked to pet our dog. She did it on her own, and was in fact told NOT to touch him. Yes, we are horrible pit bull owners. Which is why instead of letting him be euthanized because his previous owners didn't want to pay for his treatment when they found out he had parvo we rescued him, paid for his treatment and nursed him back to health. Why was he in an aggressive state? Because our FEMALE was trying to be dominate and was mounting him. If you paid enough attention to the video and knew about dog behavior and demeanor, you'd know that's not something MALES take too kindly to. If anything we did while PLAYING with our dog would turn him into the horror stories on TV, he would have bit my husband in the face right then and there. However, we are VERY GOOD owners which is why HE DID NOT bite, nip, or snarl AT my husband. Nor has he EVER bit another human, or animal. He has a wonderful temperament which is demonstrated.

Thank you, asshole."


"lol more and more ignorance. The female dog was mounting him, to CONTROL this uncomfortable situation, she sensed the pit was in an unhealthy state (fueled by your idiot husband, mind you) which only made your pit that much more angered, by the situation..You obviously dont know anything about proper dog owners ship, especially of this type of dog. I suggest your next google search be: "How to prevent a dog bite", or "how to properly care for your dog." You know why your angry, because the majority of us who have seen your husband tease your dog, and bully your dog, have just called you out. Im a very proud pitbull owner, i know the requirments of this breed, and most of all I HAVE COMMON SENSE. Anyone that teases a dog, lacks common sense, and has got another thing commin to them!, but boy, ill tell you, your husband WILL be another victim of a pitbull attack, rightfully so, and unfortunately your dog will suffer. You know what happens to the bullied kids at school? They get fed up.


The OWNER second email to me:


Idiot, idiot, idiot. Do you let your dogs RULE YOU? NO! Because THAT is when they get overly aggressive and bite and attack people. Dogs who KNOW they are not the Alpha, and KNOW they are to do the listening are well behaved and even tempered. But I guess you didn't know that. Maybe you should take an obedience class, or other canine education WE DO. Oh and yes. He's so bullied. All those kisses and hugs and belly We suck.


"NO i do not let my dogs rule me, *I* am their leader, they respect me, they submit to me, without me having to lay a finger on them. My prescence alone, makes my own dogs, including my pitbull know who the boss is. I would NEVER tease my dogs, or any dog at that, you know why? It aint good KARMA. I probably have the most well behaved pack of dogs in my area, no joke, And MY pitbull? Boy, hes definitley a good example of his breed, thanks to *MUAH*

I truly have nothing to prove to you, YOU posted the disturbing video, so YOUVE had some expaining todo, and My goodness your in denial.. Being a female, at my young age, i find myself amazed at the immaturity i come across.

Pretty sad."

And last extra email *I* sent the owner:

"Without attacking YOU, i thought i would point out the exact times, what YOU say didnt happen, happened.

Literally from 0:00 to the end of the video, your dog is growling, snarling, warning. Through out the video, your husband clearly teases your dog, frustrates your dog, bullies your dog.

At 0:20, and 0:29, your dog tries to nip your husband.

At 1:07 your husband says "pet em" to your child which she does, then he says "Dont be afraid, Dont show fear" and again "pet em." Your child is at that time being encouraged, to pet a dog showing obvious signs of aggression, basically your husband, is allowing, encouraging your child to nurture this dogs, unhealthy state of mind..

up till 2:25 your husband continues to tease this dog, and at this exact moment, slaps him across the face while tugging the unicorn stuffed animal...

And again, coninuous teasing till the end..

Its all the facts.. enjoy.

Legit- Is there a particular person your dog doesnt like?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had not watched the video or seen the previous post. They actually think they are showing this dog that they love him. I have seen some stupid things in my life. When the child sticks her hand up there she is obviously afraid. It shows on the video. And the comment do not show fear. The dog was showing absolute fear of what this idiot was going to do next. And,, when the dog attacks they will be shaking their heads in dismay, talking about what wonderful, responsible owners they were.

    Sadly, these are the kind of people who see owning a Pit as a status symbol and being able to "control" him as a sign of their own vigor. It is sickening.

    I also have to ask why they have a male and a female Pit. Could it be, with their vast knowledge, that they are planning to breed?

    I will complain to the powers that be at You Tube. Sometimes they do show a little common sense. I do not want some teenager to come along, see this video and think it is cool.

    Thanks for the update.

    Source(s): @ Angel Wolf: I am really, really tired of SO MUCH ignorance when it comes to both rearing children and handling dogs. I do not know who suggested licensure for dog ownership but that may be the only way to stop people like this. We have to do something. I think we should all raise a ruckus here at YA, at YouTube, or anywhere when we see blatant ignorance being spread. This crap mostly affects those who are trying to be responsible and that is what really irks me. I am certain we all know someone who is a very responsible dog owner and has a Pit. We all know how they suffer over ignorance and irresponsibility.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG. These people are so clueless.

    I am aware that mounting is a sign of dominance in the dog world but I think she was mounting the old boy cause she saw a situation getting out of hand. Seems the female Pit had more sense than the humans. And I am going to have to talk to my fellows. They are not aware that they are starting to look like a wuss because a female is mounting them. Of course that could be cause I took their manhood away when I had them neutered.

    This babbler and ranter is very funny and really should get a book down to learn how to write a letter. I think even in an email it is common practice to end the thing with your name. I think she just called herself an @sshole.

    I think we should rescue the Pit again >>>from this family.

    OOPS. There is a man that comes to my dad's ranch that makes the hair stand on all the dogs. He does repair work to some of the larger machinery and has to come on occasion. The dogs do not like him at all and he does not trust them. I think the man has a general fear of dogs. We always try and make sure they are penned or inside, depending on the dog, when he has to come.

    BethJ: I had not even thought of that! Can you imagine this group with a litter of Pit puppies?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have seem this video and lots of others on Youtube, they are all sad and heartbreaking, it just goes to show you that it is the owner not the dog, that cause these animals to become aggressive, Pit Bulls are one of the most loyal, loving and obedient dogs a person could ever have, they will do what ever you tell them, even if it is wrong. People take advantage of their good nature and willingness to please their masters, I have had APBT's all of my life and not a single one of them have misbehaved, acted aggressive, or biten anyone, I have always cherished and respected these dogs...Words cannot express how bad I feel about this video and the conditions the dogs are placed in. LG: I have own Pit Bulls all my life and I own 2 dogs now. They are real APBT's not Hippo Razors edge Trash... Elena- If you won't at least pay some respect, why the hell did you come and waste time answering this..are you mad because it is not a question that you can copy and past on....hmmm. Copy paste/Troll

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with Curtis on this one..they are not fit to be owners or parents....I do hope the child won't go up to a snarling dog and pet it..that's just a disaster waiting to happen.

    It's COMMON sense not to pet a snarling dog or any dog displaying child will know this...

    Legit- No my yorkie likes EVERYONE.I had a dog about 10-11 years ago that disliked MEN. He was a strictly a ladies man..haha. Though I had a female dog that was a woman's dog as well..she didn't really like guys.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Again, I give you a virtual pat on the back!

    What a loser that person is...maybe you should send her the links to your question so she can see that the majority of people that have seen her video thinks her and her husband are disgusting twits of dog owners.

    Legit: My dog doesn't like kids and HATES one of my neighbours - probably because I hate him even more than he does! lol

    ADD: Looks like I got a response too lol:

    He wasn't ******* taunted. Did you even PAY ATTENTION to the video? Our FEMALE was jealous of the attention he was getting and was MOUNTING him! That is why he was in an aggressive state.

    And i'll tell you the same thing I told the last self righteous asshole, our child was NOT NOT NOT asked to pet him. She did it on her own and she was PROMPTLY told not to continue petting him.

    His wonderful temperament is clearly demonstrated. He was still sweet and loving even though he had a FEMALE trying to dominate him. Because we are GOOD owners.


    Our dog has never bit another human, or animal. And never will.

    So kindly mind your own damn business unless you see a video of my husband kicking the **** out of the dog. THEN you can say something.


    Well maybe if you even had a grain of knowledge regarding dogs, I would consider listening to you.

    Here's a little something about dog behaviour you clearly don't know - dogs do not hump because they are jealous of the attention another dog is getting, they do it out of DOMINANCE. Your female was trying to dominate your male because he was insecure.

    If you also would learn something, you would know the aggression your dog was showing was not towards the female at all - it was towards your husband.

    You are NOT a good owner - you're an idiot. To even say that your dog will NEVER bite another human or animal when you have clearly demonstrated your ignorance and stupidity towards dog ownership is just plain stupid.

    AGGRESSION IS NOT WONDERFUL TEMPERAMENT!!!!!!! What cheap crack are you smoking??

    You can kindly stop being so ignorant and when I see a video of your dog kicking the **** out of your husband, THEN I will be laughing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although I havent seen the vid in question I have seen more than my fair share of foolish and downright dangerous behaviour from owners towards their dogs in my line of work. I believe that the only way forward is to licence dog ownership, handling and breeding (a sort of driving licence for dogs) This would ensure that owners were taught the necessary skills before getting a dog and also would give a legal framework which would make it possible to hold owners and breeders accountable. I feel this would protect dogs from the mistreatment which so many of them have to endure. We have to do something.

  • 1 decade ago

    What an Idiot. These people have no clue how to properly handle a dog. One day that dog is going to maul someone, and responsible owners and their dogs are going to pay the price. I wanted to comment on the video but that option has been disabled. Guess the truth hurts to much. Thank you for trying to educate these idiot owners.

    Legit: My dogs like everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pitbulls are very intelligent. They are exceptionally loyal to their humans and only want to please them. That said, all dogs (any breed) are closer to wolves than to being our human children. This dog is obviously uncomfortable in this situation. He is clearly communicating his discomfort by his body language. This has gone beyond playing now...

    To the dad in the video: It is not to late to start over. Your dog won't hold it against you. They are very forgiving (look at the Mike Vicks' dogs who are now known as the Vicktory dogs at Best Friends Santuary). Take him on a walk.Teach him new things to do. This dog is very intelligent and needs to have his mind exercised as well. Maybe in a month or two you can post a new video that The Dog Whisperer would be proud of...

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    AW! Whoever it was removed the video. Why am I always the last one to see these kinds of things? LOL. Every time I'm on Y!A the questions are fairly routine. The juicy stuff happens when I log off, I guess.

    Guess you posting the question & link got them more crap than they bargained for.....couldn't take the heat! Still, I would have liked to see for myself what everybody was talking about. If you can find a link that works, message me :).

  • 1 decade ago

    Clearly a moronic approach to any breed dog ownership. Beth J. YES, please use your influence to have this taken down from Youtube.. This man "Tim" will be setting an example for children the world over. I am sure by now that this dog has retaliated against the owner, child, or female dog.

    I feel physically ill from enduring that disgraceful display of "manhood". I shudder to think that he may breed and spread the philosophies of his training method. Prayers for the child and dogs.

    Source(s): EDIT: So upset, I forgot the Legit: Suspicious of the dreaded Mailman's visit every day EDIT: BETH J. Total agreement. I was the one to also pose a license for owners of dogs. So they could be educated on proper training techniques. Win-win situation for owner, dog, and for the public.
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