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Pack Leader asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

A must see Pitbull video!!?

I came across this video and I just wanted to start crying. Great video.

WARNING does have some graphic pictures in the beginning.

LEGIT: Do you own or would you ever own a Pitbull?

Please star!


I can't wait till I will be able to own an APBT in the future! I mean a real one not a hippo! (have to get through college first)

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Legit: I have owned pit bulls and I would even own a hippo type if I fell in love with one at the shelter.

    I have seen that video before but it makes me cry every time.

    I wish I could make people see what I see when I look at pit bulls.

    It hurts so bad to know that they have been wiped out of other countries and that my own country, the country of Freedom, also has places where they are wiping out the breed that I hold so near to my heart.

    I grew up with pit bulls, I never knew that people thought they were scary. It wasn't until I was older that I started to notice people crossing the street when they saw us coming. I thought that they had my dog confused with another dog. I had no idea that they were afraid of his breed, even though they had never met him.

    As an adult I own a pit bull mix. He is the love of my life. It pains me when people are mean to him when they see him. Many people don't believe me when I say this, but I believe it hurts my dog too. I know that dogs aren't supposed to have complex emotions, but the look on his face tells me otherwise. He knows when people don't like him and he doesn't understand it.

    The best defense we have is to properly train our dogs. I don't mean the basics, I mean they need to know how to behave in public without a doubt. We need to know their limitations. If they are not dog friendly, don't take them to a damned dog park. The average person does not understand the difference between dog aggression and human aggression so if a pit bull lunges at another dog, people will assume he would also do that to a child.

    Once our dogs are trained, take our well behaved dogs in public. Let them be an ambassador of the breed. People need to see the dogs because most people have only ever seen them on TV and that is not the image we need portrayed.

    I love my dog so much and all of this emotion that is inside me right now...I just need to go love on him some. ♥

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have seem this video and lots of others on Youtube, they are all sad and heartbreaking, it just goes to show you that it is the owner not the dog, that cause these animals to become aggressive, Pit Bulls are one of the most loyal, loving and obedient dogs a person could ever have, they will do what ever you tell them, even if it is wrong. People take advantage of their good nature and willingness to please their masters, I have had APBT's all of my life and not a single one of them have misbehaved, acted aggressive, or biten anyone, I have always cherished and respected these dogs...Words cannot express how bad I feel about this video and the conditions the dogs are placed in.

    LG: I have own Pit Bulls all my life and I own 2 dogs now. They are real APBT's not Hippo Razors edge Trash...

    Elena- If you won't at least pay some respect, why the hell did you come and waste time answering this..are you mad because it is not a question that you can copy and past on....hmmm. Copy paste/Troll

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the best video out there! I totally agree in the right hands pit bulls can become wonderful dogs! I personally dont own a pit bull but ive been considering adopting in the future so the pit bull will be one of the dogs ill be considering (not that i have ever had anything against them), i have come to meet a few who are wonderful dogs. The media twists everything and makes the public think these are horrible dogs but there not! its the people who are horrible. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    Very graphic video, made me cry. My apbt is 12 years old and the best dog I've ever had. Wish everyone would understand its not the dog it's the owner that's the problem. Need more good owners to make people understand they are really very affectionate dogs when treated right.

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  • Funny they show Jesse James (the bike builder) with his Pitbull...the dog in that picture with him killed his other Pitbull while he was at work. Somebody called him from his house while he was at the shop telling him his dogs were fighting and they couldn't break them up, by the time he got home his other dog was dead.

    Yes I own a pitbull. She's wonderful.

    No: I'm not dumb enough to believe they're Unicorns, or angels, or pink pygmy goats. They're large carnivores, and just like any other large carnivore they're dangerous. Fair treatment and training make all dogs safe to be around. Denial of what they are, and what they're capable of doing ends in tragedy. I don't mean this just of Pitbulls, I mean this of all large breed dogs, even the "soft" breeds.

    Source(s): I'm a professional GSD breeder/trainer.
  • Jesse
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am sobbing. I can feel a hatred welling up inside of me that would make it so very easy to line the monsters uo that are responsible for the outrageous abuse of these magnificent dogs. Once I got them lined up, I would start at there knees and work up. Slowly. They would suffer for hours by use of knives and bullets. I would make sure they would not die.

    Oh NO. The would scream in horrific pain, they would beg for mercy, they would call on their 'God' to save them. I would sit, have a drink and listen. Then I would cut again. Another bullet. Take off an arm.

    Then after hours of this I would kill them.

    Anyone on this site that ever says a bad word about the American Pit Bull Terrier, I will personally verbally with written word tear them apart.

    Yes!!! I am the very proud owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier!!!!!

    Hey, Elena? Go to hell. And to all you jackasses out there giving your pathetic little TDs. There is room in hell for you too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Made me cry! Sniff sniff very miserable video, but it DOES make you think about the truth of pitbulls. If I had to I would own a pitbull, but I already have a dog, which is a sheltie that got in a big fight with a pure pitbull.

  • 1 decade ago

    Legit: I'd love to but they restricted here in Australia... and last night on the news the government is thinking about putting a total ban on breeding, selling and giving away restricted breeds :( Because a SUSPECTED pitbull mauled a lady's cat. But a man who i think is the president of that APBT club of Australia is trying to fight it and/or trying to change the peoples view, like most of us its the owners not the breed kind of thing.

    I could pretend to own a pitbull lol my boy can pass as one

    Yeah?? maybe lol

  • I own an apbt/bloodhound currently, and am looking into adopting an apbt/staffy soon

    and I didnt watch the video, those videos make me cry and I'm really not in the food for it, lol

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a great video it almost had me in tears. My best friend since Kindergarten owns a pit. Her name is boo and she couldn't hurt a fly. They also had a beagle/ jack russel mix and boo and jelly got along famously. When boo was bred all of her pups came out mummified and boo knew something was wrong with them. She had to have an emergency Spay. She was in depression for almost a year until she finally came out of it. Now she is just old but still one of the sweetest dogs I know. She is almost 10.

    Source(s): I will own a pit later on. Right now I have pomeraniansand I want to get them older first I hope to find a pit that doesn't play so rough so it wont hurt my little dogs. I will probably get an older pit.
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