why would you vote for Obama?

Obama has yet to prove him self a good president. If you voted for him, why the **** did you? did you think he was going to call troops back? Obama has sent 3 times more troops into Afghanistan than Bush. He was NOT at all as experienced as his opponents. He does not know how to run the country, let alone the military.


yes i am judging the president by now nothing has happened "overnight" but throughout the year of his position. and why would you agree with his policies in the first place if you don't seem to know what they are exactly. WHAT DO YOU THINK HE'S DOING?


Favorite Answer

President Obama hasn't proven anything to YOU because you are against his policies. To the people who agree with his policies he is being a great president.


I didnt vote for him, but most people who did are the type easily seduced by the words "change" "yes we can" "hope" "believe" all of which are abstract meaningless phrases that have been used by government officials for hundreds of years (maybe even back to the greek and roman days).

Say what you want about this guy, but he is a charmer, and that is why he won, women were seduced by this guys charm, then brainwashed drug addict college students do what they usually do and just go with the flow, then the anti-Bush sentiment that built up over the 8 years he was in office resulted in the perfect scenario for this guy to sweep the elections.


wow, people judging the president even though he's been in office for couple of months, people expect everything to change overnight,
i don't vote, not even for a mayor, not into politics, just enjoy listening and reading to what people have to say!
this is a weird example, you want to make a family on your own, kids/babies, you won't get it done overnight or in just couple of months!


Never has a true concept been more correct..Bravo

watcher of fools2009-12-10T03:30:43Z

better than bush and mccain together

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