Why Are They Threatening To Close Offutt AFB?

Why is Rahm Emanuel threatening to put Offut AFB, Home the Strategic Command, on the next BRAC list is Ben Nelson won't vote for health care reform?

Why are Democrats will to compromise U.S. safety and security to score a political victory for the President?



**** I didn't say SAC, I said Strategic Command.

The Strategic Command is one of the featured units of Offut, before shooting off your mouth, maybe you should check your facts.


Western European Mutt - WEM2009-12-15T16:26:30Z

Favorite Answer

Rahm Emanuel and Obama are nothing but Chicago gangland thugs.

Imitated, But NEVER Duplicated2009-12-15T16:30:33Z

Offutt hasn't been the home of the Strategic Air Command since 1992. Obviously you never served in the USAF. I doubt you ever served in the military at all.

"In 1992, the Air Force reorganized its military unit structure; the Strategic Air Command (SAC) was deactivated on June 1, succeeded by the unified U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM).


Your source of information is a bit biased my friend.