Question, question, question, question....?

This might be a stupid question to some of you but it's important to me. Here it is: How do you know that there really is a god, and that jesus really died for us? How do you know that some random person didn't write the bible? and that there isn't a such thing as god or jesus? and why does jesus have to be caucasian? How do you know that if there is a such thing that he wasn't african american or chinese or japanese? And why do people feel like they have to push their religion on people? not all people are like that but some..... The reason i say this is because all of my family (not mom or dad i mean aunts, uncles, and cousins.) disown me because i don't believe in any of this stuff. I just don't understand why people have to be so judgemental and mean?


I meant to put questions not just one.....i have a lot!!!


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How do you know that there really is a god, and that jesus really died for us?
no one does

How do you know that some random person didn't write the bible?
no one does but that is very possible

and why does jesus have to be caucasian?
because most people back then people were racist

And why do people feel like they have to push their religion on people?
because they think that is what god really meant by spreading the word of god. they don't seem to understand that it is actually pushing people away.

religion is dangerous and as you can see separated people instead of bringing them together. i know it may be hard because it was your family but you don't need those kind of people in your life. just try your best to move on and think about your life.


>>How do you know that there really is a god, and that jesus really died for us?
I don't know if there really is a god, but if there is, he really isn't doing us any favors.
Jesus may have really died for us, but then so have a lot of people, Ask any soldier.

>>How do you know that some random person didn't write the bible?
Many random people wrote the books of the bible, and also wrote many books that are not included in the Bible

>>and that there isn't a such thing as god or jesus? and why does jesus have to be caucasian?
>> How do you know that if there is a such thing that he wasn't african american or chinese or >>japanese?
Jesus was a Jew. Semantics, maybe

>>And why do people feel like they have to push their religion on people?
>>not all people are like that but some..... The reason i say this is because all of my family (not >>mom or dad i mean aunts, uncles, and cousins.) disown me because i don't believe in any of this >>stuff. I just don't understand why people have to be so judgemental and mean?
People want you to believe like them, so that they don't have to be the only dumb person in the room. When you don't conform, they become judgemental and mean in order to defend their irrationality.

An old Star Blazers fan2009-12-19T10:50:25Z

Sounds like your Christian relos have short circuited because they've lost a link in the chain but they'll probably come around when they get used to the idea that you aren't a Christian like them. Time heals all wounds they say! Unless you develop a potty mouth over night or something else dramatically "unChrist like," they'll surely see you're the same person they loved all along and it'll all settle down.

Proof? Jesus' followers left testimony about him. If you read the Bible you'll find books from eye witnesses. Moses wrote some of the psalms and authored other early books. John wrote a couple of books, including Revelation. Peter knew Jesus, Paul knew Peter and received a divine vision from God.

White? Jesus probably was more Arab looking than white because he was Jewish and if I remember correctly, way back Abraham was from Ur, somewhere in Saudi Arabia or Iraq (my mental atlas is fuzzy). I read in a book once that the people from Jesus' area were known for their beautiful olive skin.


1. No, nobody knows if there really is a God.
2. Nobody knows whether Jesus died for us, and it is questionable about his existence.
3. We know that in fact a LOT of random people wrote the Bible.
4. Jesus is caucasian because Christianity spread through Europe. If he lived, he would've been arab (or possibly suffering albinoism).
5. Jesus would've been somewhat arabic, those other races were not common in that area at that time.
6. People are stupid, that's why they push beliefs onto other people.
7. People are judgemental and mean because they're human and they can either be good or bad, in your case, they're bad.

P.S. Next time can you use paragraphs... You'll get quicker responses and probably more, so it only benefits you.

@ Kelso Mcfly: I'm not an Atheist, I'm just being reasonable :(


Well, seeing as I have all the same questions and none of the answers...I can only resort to humor. Something a disturbingly high number of Christians and other fear/reward based religions seem to lack.

After untold years, the dividing wall between Heaven and Hell was beginning to crack due to the constant stress of the temperature difference.

God called the Devil and politely requested that Lucifer pay for the repairs, seeing as God had done so last time. 'Nah!' was Lucifer's rude response.

God became angry: 'Lucifer, either you get the wall repaired...or I am going to sue!'.

There was a shocked silence at Lucifer's end. Then bellowing laughter. 'Where exactly are you going to find a lawyer over on that side?' He asked God.

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