Can anyone tell me why we can't stop terror attacks in the skies?

Sporadic or half-baked pre-boarding searches.
Illegal immigrants working baggage handling jobs.
Forcing the Air Marshals to dress like Air Marshals, rather than blend in.
Not bothering to use explosive detectors.
Knee-jerk reactions after an incident, but relaxed again after only two days.

Gee...I can't imagine why. Can anyone tell me, please, why we keep doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing?


Herf, and that reason would be???

Yes, illegals working baggage handling jobs. You do realize baggage is searched during the handling process, right?

Explosives detectors have not been in use in any of the airports I've flown, and there are about 14 of them. Effectiveness is REALLY low, when you don't bother to use them.

By half-baked, I mean not making the effort to do it right. Watch some of these searches in progress. You'll see what I mean. If someone fails the archway and gets hand wanded, there's a very good chance their entire body won't be covered by what can only be described as sloppy or lazy wand work. I've seen these things waved vaguely in the direction of the person's waist, then they were declared "ok" and walked merrily away. I've also seen them wand over a cell phone on the belt, get the expected beep, and then keep right on moving down the leg. What was taped under the cell phone? This is what I mean by half-baked.


Favorite Answer

For the same reason we can't stop the inflow of illegal drugs into the U.S.

Or can't stop illegal aliens from entering the U.S.

Or can't stop gang crimes, or prostitution, or violent crimes......


Are you asking a rhetorical question? If we knew how to stop those actions, we would have, but since we don't, we can't

homeless jamesbond2009-12-29T02:44:03Z

"Illegal immigrants working baggage handling jobs" What? since when? and even if there were, how is it a baggage handlers fault?

"Not bothering to use explosive detectors" it is used, but they aren't that effective.

"Sporadic or half-baked pre-boarding searches" what would you suggest? strip search and cavity exams?