Will we ever really increase airline safety if we only fully search "certain" fliers?



Yeah, I get you about not being afraid to profile, and I don't disagree, but should we really be going easier on non-arabs, or frequent fliers? What if they just recruit a disgruntled non-arab, or a frequent flier? Why not just do the job right and search everyone completely?


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i think who gives a **** about being "politically correct." we should racially profile and search arabs!! i mean call me racist but i get nervous when i see an arab on a plane. CALL ME CRAZY but they have a pretty bad reputation!! but we should still have the security thing for everyone of course.

Tyler J2010-01-04T02:36:15Z

Well, all the intelligence that we have at the current time, is that a "Certain type" of person has been plotting most of the attacks. It is unfortunate, but we do need to Profile at security, though all passengers are searched thoroughly. and in reality, an airplane is still the safest way to travel. Much safer than Cars, trains, or boats. SO, I would say that we do a great job at keeping it safe.


I do think certain passengers who say buy a one-way ticket and pay in cash should be fully searched. However passengers are being more wary as well. It was passengers who subdued the terrorist on Delta Flight 253.