Why do a lot of people blame GOD for every disaster etc?
When you cut your finger because you are using it wrong, or move to a place you know has horrible disasters... WHY BLAME GOD FOR YOUR CHOICES. He did not give you the knife or tell you to move or even give anyone diseases! Take responsibility for your actions!
(Think question. No right or wrong answers)
IF what the BIBLE says is true. GOD gave us freedom to choose. He set up this world to work a certain way, and left MAN in charge to run it and take care of everthing upon it. To say that GOD is responsible for starving children while MAN is suppose to help then I consider that a bit arrogent (sorry if I misspell, the edit mode has no spell check)
I thank for the opertunity, and for what was created. SATAN didn't appear until the EARLY church needed funds so they could have someone to blame things on and a reason for the atrocities their leaders caused. Again, another scapegoat.
As for those living over 1000 years ago and natural disasters. They observed things, they could change things, but it was still their CHOICE to remain where they were. Again, blaming someone else for OUR CHOICES. We were given the mind to think and reason with, we were give a way to change things and left with our choices. PLANS are the ideas of MAN. GOD let us loose on the world with everything we needed to survive and thrive. If we should blame anyone for mistakes it is ourselves.
Thank you hailu Z! I think you understand where I am coming from. I see all the answers and many have some idea, but I think you hit it at what I was trying to get at and put it most elequently!