Martha Coakley a Class Act?

Did anyone see Martha Coakley's concession speech? It was amazingly gracious and warm. Can Democrats move forward on her goodwill and now start to work with Republicans?


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Wow based on all the previous answers how does one react to this?

I think I see the problem in our system, it is personal now, not just I have my side you have yours; it is you have yours and yours is evil.

Yeah, I thought her concession speech was gracious, but based on the comments here, left and right, I don't see the bitterness ending soon.


confident - that's no longer in basic terms the entitlement syndrome of Coakley,yet her insulting time-honored Massachusetts place of living house with jokes approximately possessing a pickup and insulting the appropriate purple Sock Pitcher of all time calling him a Yankee fan. 2 aspects right here - Coakley took a lock for Democrats and blew it mutually together with her strikes and 2d grew to grow to be into the shown fact that Scott Brown has run an great marvelous merchandising and marketing campaign. very final component is Scott Brown grew to grow to be into clever sufficient to make this a countrywide election as against a interior sight election. Republicans lose in MA in interior sight elections, in spite of the shown fact that the shown fact that the Democrats have a lock on the federal government and the election of Scott Brown ought to destroy the lock has become the subject and the Democrats smug physique of suggestions in path of u.s. has began to resonate in the time of u.s. with elections now favoring Republicans even indoors the main Blue of states. Taking unemployment as an component concern and focusing in on liberal schedule has fee them each and all of the solid will popping out of 2008 election.


Republicans are not nice people . They are self serving and over all greedy . They seem to care less if people including children die in this country from lack of medical care .
So Not this Democrat . I may not like every Democrat that runs > but Republicans are just down right evil in my opinion.

Yay Ah!2010-01-19T19:05:33Z

It seemed like she wanted to lose...talking about going back to her dogs, and such. If a person wants to be a Senator, s/he has to sacrifice. Why'd she take a 3 week vacation during the Senate race? She never wanted to be Senator. She was running for other ulterior least it seems that way to me.

libs, almost as smart as lint2010-01-19T19:05:27Z

No, it's the height of hypocrisy for her campaign to blame 0bama for her loss when she was going to vote for everything he wanted if she was elected.

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