Where's the outrage over Virginia shooting?

Appomatox, Virginia 8 people dead. So another disgruntled white male gets a guns and kills people? Where's all the outrage? Why aren't we calling it terrorism? Why are we not calling for the deportation of all white men from America? After all, statistically, over 99% of all mass shootings in the US have been by white males....maybe Muslims aren't the problem after all. Where's the fear and outrage?


Not a Troll Joshua..just pointing out an ironic truth here in America.


If you remember Ft Hood, almost immediately people were crying terrorism and stirring up fear and hatred..Now in Virginia?...seems like just another angry white guy with a gun....


I think the NRA needs to change its slogan....
Guns don't kill people...angry, white guys with guns kill people.


Sorry baby Brandon...Its your bubble that burst. While black men do kill/die at a higher rate from gang shootings;
"Mass Shootings"- where someone walks in a shoots people at random are almost exclusively done by white males.


Cassandra...are you saying there was no terror at Columbine? Are you suggesting that Columbine, Oklahoma, Virginia shootings had repercussions politically, are you saying the victims were not manipulated because it was a fellow American doing the shooting?...


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True that, sister.


Terrorist acts are committed to instill fear so that people can be more easily manipulated/coerced into a certain political belief.
It is not an impulsive act of rage, but, a thought out plan to achieve long rage goals.
I read/watch the news daily, but saw nothing of this-perhaps because of Mass election and Haiti. Can't answer this question more completely due to this.
But, please remember, we are not deporting terrorists. We are paying for lawyers to defend them after they try to kill us. We provide them constitutional rights, even though they are enemy combatants.
I will tell you where the outrage: it is within the American people.


Maybe there isn't outrage because it's not highly publicized. I did not hear about this until I read your question. Sad news, and yes it does make sense that it would be white males(born and raised there) doing this. If you escape your country for a better life in the usa, it doesn't make sense to go around shooting in the country you dreamed of making a life in. Just my two cents..but trust me, if I lived in Virginia right now, I would be very afraid to go outside if it's just random shootings until the person gets caught.


i guess its become common place,gun crime in general that is,people become lethargic.Also the press decide what is important too often.Afghanistan is the big deal at the moment as well as world economies.
your right there should be more outrage,but we have to ask what it is it that drives people to do these things.Its a tough question?


Good question.

Where was the mass outrage over radical Christianity when Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City? Where was the mass outrage over radical Christianity when a man set off a bomb during the 1996 Atlanta Olympics to protest feminists, homosexuals and abortion? Where was the outrage over abortion clinic bombers, and the man who shot George Tiller? The majority Christian population of this country cannot comprehend the fact that there are religious extremists right here in our own country ... and not always Muslim, but often Christian. But when it's a Christian that does it, it barely gets any media attention. If it's a Muslim? All hell breaks loose. There's a double standard in this country.

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