Google search keeps redirecting my searches?

Example:I type in Chevrolet and I end up on some other This only happens with Google in Internet Explorer. What could be the problem?


I've added CCleaner and ran it. It didn't work.


Favorite Answer

Clear out your browser
Download 'ccleaner' and run it through a couple of times,using the factory settings and the 'Run Cleaner' control until 0 bytes are seen to be cleaned following a scan
Run the 'Registry' from the left hand toolbar but 'Save' any changes after opting to 'repair' errors.


That use to happen to me too before with
It kept saying redirect and I have to cancel it straight away or refresh the page it may to do with your incorrect spelling if my advise doesn’t help try taking your Laptop/computer to the store you bought it in and they surely give u a good advise as they are well experience with this sort of stuff.
But u should try refreshing the page or get it fixed. I hate when the website I named does that to me not just that one other ones too I can’t think of the name so u can also try it the following day just give your laptop/computer a break that usually helps

Best of luck XxXxXx