Is it aware of its relationship with the creatures who inhabit it?
Many speak of Gaia or Mother Earth and such....implying an entity or being unto itself.
If it ever becomes truly in danger of being destroyed by humans, would it destroy us first?
Some of you seem to think the Earth does not have the capacity to care..
(I'm thinking..)
Do we need to save the planet or do we need to save ourselves lest Earth express its displeasure?
talk to me..
Favorite Answer
Observing the Planetary Mother.
The element earth has been given a unique form of awareness. The element fire has been given a unique form of awareness. The element water has been given a unique form of awareness. The element air has been given a unique form of awareness. This planet on which human beings inhabit is a combination of these four elements, and shares their unique awareness.
These four elements at times rebel against one another, causing great hardships for this planet's inhabitants. Toxins and human pollutants at times can cause them to rebel against one another, even though they have been commanded to live and exist in unity. These four when functioning in unity are necessary to provide living things a form. These four have each been given their appropriate duty to preform. When these four get out of balance and cannot preform their duty as commanded, human beings most likely will experience great discomfort. This planet is perfectly capable of remaining intact and sustaining life, until certain things get out of balance. ~~~~~ Example: The human body if overcome with poisons and toxins will develop lesions on the surface of the skin and the poisons and toxins will come to the surface and exit through these created lesions. The planet if overcome with poisons and toxins will develop lesions on the surface of its skin and the poisons and toxins will come to the surface and exit through these created lesions. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tremors, great storms, disrupted weather patterns, planetary disturbance's, etc, etc. The planet must go through a time of healing and purification, when things get out of balance. The problem is that human beings might get caught up in the procedure that takes place during the planet's healing and purification. ~~~~~ Does this give you an overview of the current situation? Does this help bring man's situation into the light?
Man has been given an allotted time, but this allotted time can be cut short, because of what man calls "accidents". Are these traumatic occurrences truly accidents, or are they because of this planet's healing process?
Man needs to gain the necessary clarity to understand the significant problems man is creating for a planet that has been given the duty and responsibility to sustain life for all of the planet's inhabitants.
The planet has been caught up in a "catch 22" situation. The planet will survive, but will man survive......that is the primary question! Will mankind continue to live, in greed and selfishness?
Peace be always with you. Much Love to a brother. Salaams,
I liked your question a lot. Makes me think. It's too bad, all we can do is speculate.
If the earth is aware, she must be aware in a way that we cannot comprehend. Could it be that she's the one in charge, and she has been this whole time? Maybe she led us to "pollute" the earth?
I've always considered the thought that maybe we aren't really destroying the earth. What if we're creating all these strange new materials, that could eventually help life to evolve. Materials to act as a catalyst. Think about what life forms might live here in 20,000 years! The strong, and most adaptable creatures will survive, but they will surely survive in a form foreign to how we currently know them.
How could we ever fully understand awareness? We can attempt to understand our own awareness. We can consider how other creatures are aware. How does a bumble bee experience the world? And a kangaroo? And a blue whale, and what about bacteria and bats and butterflys? Some creatures understand everything to be vibrations, others see colors we cannot, still others use sound to visualize the world. Is the earth aware? Could be.
The latest conspiracy theory is for something really big happening early this coming year. The New World Order will journey back into time to prevent slavery from ever happening in the U.S. This will cancel out rap, hip-hop and baggy pants with underwear showing. The downstream consequences will be no Supremes, Temptations, Four Tops and ---can you imagine --- no Jimi Hendrix? Oh well, we're not going to miss 'em --- 'cause after the deed is done ---they’re never here.
Well of course the Earth is aware of it's relationship to it's inhabitants..
if we destroy ourselves we destroy the earth && if we destroy the earth we destroy ourselves. Earth does express it's displeasure (earth quakes, hurricanes, tsunamis ect)
we were put here to express ourselves freely and we were given every tool we would need in order to do so .. each moment we can change for the better and be free but so many are corrupted by fear/greed and what ever else that they perpetuate the cycle and mentality of slavery with money systems and hierarchies. The earth has had enough and we will soon know it's wrath as nothing goes unnoticed/unpunished
Mother Earth is completely aware of all who inhabit, and she knows who respects the natural order. If you are aware of the Fourth and Fifth Worlds in Native American beliefs......we are already finishing the fourth, and the Fifth has begun. Once the transition is completely made, as has happened before with the other three phases of the world, she will express her displeasure with all that have desecrated her and every living creature she has so lovingly given refuge to. She will transform herself once again to remind us what is ultimately important ~Love~. So, yes I believe she has a tremendous capacity to care. Those who do not understand love and compassion, who are the war mongers, the selfish, the greedy, the destructive etc., should be concerned, but they are blind to what it is they see. She will take care of those who do hear and understand.